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WHOMP ‘EM ► If you can’t stomp ’em and you can’t chomp ’em, you’re gonna have to whomp ’em! Alright I’ll see myself out…
Whomp ‘Em | 1991
Similar Games: Power Blade, Mega Man
► If you’re looking to get into retro reviewing or streaming, here’s some of the equipment I used for both or either. My current setup is what I love now, but honestly I’d say start out with the cheap stuff and get a feel for everything before throwing down a ton of cash on gear you may or may not need.
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Intro drawing by Ashley Anderson:
After years of focusing on the best games for the NES, I decided to change gears and focus on lesser known cartridges that have, for one reason or another, generally escaped the public discussion and general nostalgia. This series highlights many of the relatively unknown, obscure, and unloved titles in the Nintendo Entertainment System’s library. Some of these games are at best mediocre. Many are painfully bad, some of the worst NES games around. Most are hilarious for all the wrong reasons! Occasionally, OCCASIONALLY, a handful of them are actually good, borderline hidden gems.
While you won’t find any of these on the NES Classic, some of these titles have managed to make their way onto the Nintendo Switch, so if you don’t have an original Nintendo console or ROMs escape you ethically or technologically, there are several ways to play them.
Want more? Me too! Until then, lots of other articles where the pictures don’t move and words have to be read can be found on my website:
nes, nintendo, retro gaming, retro games, gaming, video games,
nes games, 8-bit, old school, nintendo entertainment system, famicom, family computer, 8-bit games, nintendo games, Nintendo gamer, 8-bit gaming, 8 bit, 8-bit gamer, 8-bit music, chiptune, chiptunes, retro gamer, 80s, 90s, 80s video games, 90s video games, game collecting, game collection, retro game collecting, retro game collection, game room tour, gaming tour, NES Hidden Gems, Bad NES Games, Funny NES Games, Nintendo Hidden gems, mega man, capcom, power blade, krion conquest, natsume, taito, power blade, ninja gaiden, mario bros
Whomp Em', Power Blade 1&2, Krion Conquest, and Totally Rad are all part of a longer look at Mega Man Clones for the NES:
I think games like this having a hot cycle button is good, but the power cycle should also be accessible during pause.
Whomp’em might be a NES title ‘no one played’, but its hack SUPER MARIO 13, got played a lot in Latin America.
i loathed this game!!!
as a kid I was obsessed with Native Americans. and since this was Native American MegaMan I was so excited to play this.
i don't remember much about it. i do know there is an item that if you have it in your inventory it will refill your health rather then kill you. i also know there was at least one boss that if y ou had the item in your inventory THEY would heal when they reach 0 hp.
i got the boss close to death then let him kill me used the item and then killed the boss. i remember coming up with this strategy as a little kid and being very proud of myself for thinking of it… also remember hating this game for that and a few reasons I forget… good reverse psychology… eventually I do hope we can start a conversation with out idoms and over used catch alls.
I loved this game… Probably one of the few NES games that I finished
Love the graphics on this. A bit obnoxious companies always thought they had change, dumb-down, or censor things for N. America tho 🙄
I’m pretty sure this was one of the very first games I ever played also one of my earliest memories. I went a long time having random memories of this game but could never remember the name of it. The music and settings ugh❤
I rented this game like 5 times in the late 80s I think maybe 1990 lol. Loved it
This Game looks Fun.
Oops, journeyed too far West.
I owned this game as a kid. I still love it
Kryon Conquest is another good megaman clone.
@4:20 You must be pure of heart to ride the flying nimbus
Whomp! There it is
I remember playing this game as a kid. My mom came home from the store one day with two NES cartridges; she’d purchased Whomp ‘Em and Shatterhand. We had never heard of these games before, but they quickly became our favorites to play.
So I have fond memories of this game. And I think Shatterhand counts as another obscure NES game, so that one is worth checking out as well.
I love Whomp Em! One of my friends had it when it came out but I couldn’t afford it at the time. I finally got it now 👍
I enjoyed the game but yikes at the localization changes.
He kinda reminds me of the conquest of the crystal pallace main character.
His damage face reminds me of the poster for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas… which is known predominantly for the trip out scene in the bamboo forest of course.
John Carmack (OG Doom) famously said that story in video games is like story in p*rn…. irrelevant. I am inclined to agree. Gameplay is the most important category to judge a game on. More important than story, graphics, realism or any other category you can come up with. Like, ask one of your friends who loved The Last of Us, or some other game with "great story" if they played the game twice. Then ask anyone if they played SMB3 more than once. Super Mario Bros, great game, dogshit story. The question you have to ask yourself is "am I having fun?" Literally the only thing that matters.
This game looks like fun.
This channel is fun.
That's why I keep coming back.
To be fair I live in South Georgia & about 1/2 mile from a wild bamboo grove. So not Old West but certainly an area where natives such as the Cherokee lived.
Not that saves this game but I couldn't think of a better comment 😂
Reason #2 that I prefer emulation over original hardware… Save states.
Looks like it could get pretty frustrating.
i hate this game it really sucks especially the last boss
What a beautiful NES game. Great graphics.
I think it is your distance, your rushing instead of patient.
I remember getting this awful Mega Man clone for $10 as a kid and trading it in for Final Fantasy a few years later. Needless to say, that was well worth the trade!
Well the Sacred Woods an Secret Cliffs were supposed to represent Wood and Metal which were separate elements in Chinese Alchemy. Didn't translate well I guess.
I still have this on cartridge 😀
I just discovered your channel a week or so ago…Im really enjoying binging and looking forward to more content 😊👍
Great game! Stand out on its own 🙂
I have this game lol. But not the official one. 🤣 I own a bootleg version of it for Famicom with Mario in it! Lol I love bootleg games
Really good video!!
Well paced and gets all the info ya need in there.
Wood and fire are elements according to China. (I think china_
This game tends to make every "most underrated NES game" list ever. I still haven't checked it out.
BTW I assume you're not living streaming on Thanksgiving?
Hi James. This is one of my favorites for the nes. 🙂
Wow this looks ace never heard of it
We should start a rumor that Whomp'em is rarer than Little Samson and watch the price rise.
It's strange to me that they would Re-Skin this for North America as over here in Scotland the Monkey King was an extremely popular character. And nope neither game was released here.
There seems to be a lot of flicker in the graphics, or is that an artifact?
Hi man. Your videos are such a great company during bathroom stops. Keep it up!!! 😄
I'm loving your content. Your voice has definitely been added to the videos I watch with my morning cup of tea, or relaxing in the evening.
Having to replay the final level over and over again each time you die is what keeps this game from being very good. It's a long gimmicky level and the music gets on your nerves. However this is still a fun game that I play every now and then.
I have the Famicom version. It comes in a big cart (big for a famicom game). Believe it or not they did bother to change the bear enemy from a panda for the localisation.
Whomp 'Em is a game I've long considered a "Hidden gem" of the NES.
Since I just subscribed to your Patreon, I will accept this as my rewared.
Whoa whoa whoa….I absolutely love gourds….I've made a dozen sesame street characters out of gourds. I also love bamboo. At work some of the volunteers suggest I start a bamboo building company……I MUST play this game TONIGHT.
Never owned this one, but it was a fun rental. Great music, too!
Rental for me, but man, that could was SO stupid. You're right, what were they thinking with that.
4:10 definitely pressure washing, not spider attacks
last stage is a total nightmare, and THEN theres the final boss
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