Happy mother’s day to all moms out there.
These are three supposedly real horror stories that share the theme of sports & sporting events.
These were not my personal stories, they were sent in for me to read by subscribers.
Thank you to:
-George Cadwell
-Alan Ockley
I’m starting to realize something: I’ve read a lot of stories that involve weed.. I realize there are a lot of younger viewers, so just for the record I do not purposely do this, it just so happens that sometimes a story that I think is pretty good happens to contain the topic.
Thank you to CO.AG Music for the background music:
I really dont use this thing much, but if you want to follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mista_Nightmare
That 1st story would work great for a 1st kill in a horror movie.
Love that notice 💀
People who watched this in 2024
"I Don't remember the name of the school i played against in basketball" (story one) But i remember very vividly and can describe every detail in the rest story no problem 🤣🤣
I have to finish work like midnight sometimes and I watch these videos all the time I swear I always just look over my shoulder now cause of these 😂
Dude from story #1 deserves it lol wanna play Sherlock Holmes and investigate like a dummy 🤣
10:27 Ha, there you go… an obvious scary sign, how some cops are more interested in giving tickets, than actually helping people!!
I have a very unhealthy addiction to watching these at night to go to sleep 🤝🏽
his videos really live through the years
Jesus loves you all
How emasculated are these kids? You run away HAVING a baseball bat with you?!
I binge watch these videos. He has a calm storytelling voice
Actually name another 10/10 YouTube like Mr nightmare
7:42 nah there cool ur just gae
Story 2 what would happen if you say to the 2 guys piss off I’m spending time with my girl friend and everybody knows you gotta leave the guy and his girlfriend alone and story 3 double check to make sure you zipped the bag before you run home fast from a stranger chasing you
They are addicting. My daughter loves anything scary since she was 5. She's 35 today and still gets scared but loves it.😊
Story three
Author: all my life…
My brain: …I've had to fight…
dude you've gotta do more hockey stories
Make MORE VIDEOS. Maybe us viewers can gather a collective yearly salary for you, then you don’t have to worry about anything and can pump them out like Henry Ford!! 😂 love the videos, keep up the good work
That dope derbin poison tho
This man knows how to make beer scary
at the ending he said " Sry, i really dont know what i was doing with that ending… " its ok!! i loved it honestly! dont be sorry and stay safe!
7 years later
Story 3: Ok, you seriously wanna me to believe that you play baseball in the evening? BS.
“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
Romans 3:23 (ESV)
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
(John 3:16-17) (KJV)
I agree with the guy in the first story of a kid won’t leave you alone and keeps pestering you, you absolutely have a right to push him away or at least tell them to shut the f up. I hate bullies. 😡
So.. story #1, the locker hole OP looked through was the EXACT same one as the intruder? Despite hundreds of openings? I call BS.
#2: answer to the last thought: the police officer didn't respond most likely because the dudes that were harassing you were undercover officers.
That last story man could have just stayed with a friend any kids parents would have understood plus why would you even risk it like bro
Jesus, that scared me hard 💀😳
Think about how many people have so many scary stories that they have never thought to post online
I love these channels especially this one. My problem ( according to my wife ) is I analyze these trying to figure out what's a Hell yeah to a Hell no way. Dam even if they're 50% BS they're still addicting lol. As long as they're people walking on this spinning rock there is going to be some weird crap happening. Keep up the good work. Love your delivery, you make them sound like these are your personal stories your sharing.
Old Mr. Nightmare stories were better
like if your here in 2023
To meny ads
More proof the police are useless
What the 😭😭😭😭😨😨😨😨😨😨😭😨😭😭😭😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😭😨😨😭😭😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😨😭😨
That my school gym ☠️😂 the first one
The guy in the third story was stupid. 8 guys with baseball bats versus 6 guys unarmed. Even if they were armed, it would be with a small weapon like a knife and a baseball bat has way more range than a knife.
Hey for the second story unless he had a reason to pull them over besides someone’s verbal accusation it would’ve been an unlawful stop
0:44 ,what size and hair
Nah losing 9/5 is mad
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