Unreal Engine 5 has been in the news a lot lately, between tech demos, the Metahuman Animator stage presentation, and even Fortnite’s recent 5.1 udpdate. But how do the Unreal Engine 3 and Unreal Engine 4 games stack up against their demos? We made this comparison so you could decide for yourself.
At the State of Unreal 2023 talk at GDC, Unreal Engine 5.2 was detailed, along with a demonstration from Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 showing impressive facial capture technology. But Unreal Engine Demos have always been impressive for their time, so here’s hoping the Unreal Engine 5 games that eventually release will impress just as much.
Arkham Knight is the only one closer to UE3 tech demo, but at the same time not close neither to those details of demo.
So many great games were made in ue3
Arkham knight still looks beautiful ❤️
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It seems the older tech demos reflect the next gen engine. UE3 tech demos look like UE4 gameplay, UE4 tech demos look like UE5 gameplay.
FAR FRY 4 , the most beautiful game in FAR CRY series based on UNREAL ENGINE 4
Lmfao these graphics are a joke. Nothing looks eye opening or much different with what we have today
No CP2077!???
So it takes roughly 5 years for mass adoption of the engine in AAA games. Thats interesting to know.
How many engine's available in the market?…
My Favorite Unreal Engine Game is Batman Arkham Franchise
Why would you upload this in 1080p?
There is still nothing out with better graphics than Gears 5.
Arkham knight use unreal engine 3 Rocksteady was gem before 😮
Yeah bla bla bla ue5 we got it ! After three years PS5 xsx we got a handful AAA games wow great job guys.
Cryengine Has That Quality Too
Ah…. Silent Hill 2 Remake is using UE5, and we've seen it being used in the preview trailer (which is all realtime UE5 graphics on PS5 / PC).
Still 1-2 years ahead to see the real next gen on unreal 5 but looks promising
So I'm not imagining things, Unreal Engine 3 does look way better than Unreal Engine 4
Both Mk11 and X were on the same UE3 yet the graphical difference was..🤯
Same goes for Arkham knight and it’s predecessors
what a waste of time lol
is it possible for any games in development prior to the release of this engine, to be updated to this engine?
Batman was a BIG thing!
No unreal tournament 3 and gears of war 2006?
UE 3 – most games suffer from soapy textures and long loading times.
UE 4 – most games have the same cartoon graphics made according to templates, physics in games leaves much to be desired
UE 5 – no games at all, all the features of the tech-demo will never be implemented in games (so it was with previous generations of the promise of WOW effects but something went wrong)
Great video concept Ign but a terrible execution.
what? no bulletstorm?
How Arkham Knight looks current gen for 2023 is totally insane.
Unreal, Unity, Blender EEVE & Cry Engine always amazes me with their real-time tech demos its beautiful world.
They just make the engine and the demo it’s not up to them how the developers are going to use it. So it’s not really a reflection on Epic
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