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Thundermans show
Avatar Remake
Spy Kids 4
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Bro my mouth DROPPED when I saw the "water" in the tank. I was in shock. Like no way that wasn't on purpose, I refuse to believe it.
Why… why did the TV show have better VFX…. how…. I don't even understand how this is possible
Contrary to popular belief tv shows can be good without using modern Slang that's gonna date it and make it really bad in a year+ or less
I was watching the live action scooby doo last and even though it's early 2000s it's still enjoyable today
for people saying that it’s horrible, that’s the point it’s supposed to feel like the same show u watched as a kid except everyone’s older
the cgi is so trash i thought the first scene you showed was a joke you made
I’m very happy I can’t watch it 😂😂
Billy’s always just dumb
Wait a minute at 6:31 when he said “second rank cape jokey.” Sum aint feel right about it 😭😭😭
You are hilariously STUPID
My brain is now "CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES THIS IS MY LAST RESORT" looking ahh
The city and meteorites are the most CGI thing I've ever seen
Despite all the stuff with Dan Schneider, I still belive that Henry Danger was the better superhero show out of the two.
This actually hurts to watch. The Thundermans was my childhood and I completely agree that the movie should've been more mature. Not only cause the main audience of the show is now more mature, but the actors are aswell wich makes it akward trying to act 12 when you're definitely not anymore…
The comedy is still good but the cgi is baaaaaaaaaaad
The CGI was the best part of the movie
I love seeing them using language from 5-8 years ago mixed in with "nepo-baby". This sucks so much.
What means "WUT"?
I love that movie and do not hate it if your not a fan of thundermans tv series, because it was dedicaded to fans, not critics, who likes only top hollywood new movies which are now horribly awfull, annoying, stupid and just ugly. Honestly this movie was first thing from USA since last two years which i really enjoyed😂 because i had kinda feeling during watching the movie that someone really wanted this to be creative and sentimental, even if they had very small budget.
PS sorry for my english, im polish and still learning
Like ok the new thunderman movie is not great. But still to me its great and thid you se the ending? Its great. And i want a second movie. Soo don't be haters🙄
man alex your just a big hater
la cringe
I like this movie
The laughtrack in this movie is painfull
There is one scene where the laughtrack goes on for minimum 10 minutes!
help the cgi is so bad 😭
The v team I swear to god looks like they're playing cosplay
I literally watched the Thundermans when i was 4 years old and now I’m a freshman in high school so its not even appealing to its younger fans this is for people born after the show came out why did they do this😭
Seriously…the laugh track?
9:05 ermagerd 🫠😂 Is a decade old
“If you were 10 when you first watched this show you’re at least a senior in high school now” me a senior in high school realising how old I am
Wait I don't remember the show having bad writing but then again I forgot the show existed for a while so who knows
You can trash it all you want, still gonna be one of the best things that has come out of Paramount+ for kids 😂
How is King crab's claw even looking that bad, it's like cardboard😭
dude, stop hating on everything. this wasnt supposed to be a super serious award winning movie. it was made so that the audience could see what they never saw, the family in "actual action". it was made for fun. maybe a little cashgrab, who cares.
This movie is the definition of brain rot
absolutely lost me at the cgi water
" what du u expect ur a fully grown man " watching kids shows
So u expect to be entertained
Netflix would’ve made it better🤷♀️
😡 don't hart sucer
I feel you man, I feel you
it’s a silly goofy movie, mainly I just watched it cause i watched the TV show growing up, it’s not winning awards but if you look at it in a jokey kinda way it’s not that bad and i mean they did bring back a lot of side characters so that was pretty fun
Like, wasn't it a 3-year time skip? You'll think they'll have good character development. I don't know if I'm the only one who feels they pretty much act the same and have no sign of maturity.
Not the cgi water 😭😭😭
the nepo baby line did unironically make me laugh out loud though
Do u ever talk good abt movie or show instead saying how dumb and stupid they are if u hate every single movie or show why not create ur own u basically have the money for it. Like all I see u on my homepage with a title on how bad a movie was or show like some of these movies/shows are made for kids so obviously they will have somewhat of a terrible plot line. Your just getting money off these shows/movies by having u hate on every single movie/show u see that popular. I don't even watch u because I find it ridiculous. That u hate every show or movie u come across u hate it and always have something bad to say abt it like do actually hate these movies/shows or are u doing it for the money 🤨. Like these fandoms over here seeing ur videos of how much u don't like the show/movie and it's alright not to like them but u have soo many videos of you not like shows and movies. U most like books then since u clearly don't like watch movies or shows maybe u also like YT videos. I'm not hating on u just ur content since it really seems outdate and boring since all of ur subscribers would basically hear u how bad the show or movies is over and over again but with different things 😐. Unless u joke abt not liking some of the movies and shows u talked abt 😑😒.
This movie and it cg sucks like hell first time agreeing with meyers
U should do a video on Rick and morty
The fact I have two pairs of those cyclops sunglasses and got them for under ten pounds really tells you something about where the budget didn't go
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