Home EntertainmentMusic OmniBox, Inc. Awarded 1st Music Download License by NMPA _Dec. 12th, 1993 _Part 1

OmniBox, Inc. Awarded 1st Music Download License by NMPA _Dec. 12th, 1993 _Part 1

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Billboard – Jun 10, 1995 – Page 39
Vol. 107, No. 23 – 112 pages – Magazine – Full view

OmniBox in Stamford, Conn., became the first interactive company to reach an agreement with HFA, in December 1993, which allows it to license musical compositions owned and controlled by NMPA members on a per- play basis. …books.google.com

Billboard – May 7, 1994 – Page 76
Vol. 106, No. 19 – 120 pages – Magazine – Full view

OmniBox, has reached an agreement with NMPA over a royalty scheme for such a setup, and hopes to be rolling out for cassette duplication this year. Other communications companies, such as Time Warner and Bell Atlantic, …books.google.com

The National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA) is the largest U.S. music publishing trade association with over 800 members. Its mission is to protect, promote, and advance the interests of music’s creators. The NMPA is the voice of both small and large music publishers, the leading advocate for publishers and their songwriter partners in the nation’s capital and in every area where publishers do business. The goal of NMPA is to protect its members’ property rights on the legislative, litigation, and regulatory fronts. In this vein, the NMPA continues to represent its members in negotiations to shape the future of the music industry by fostering a business environment that furthers both creative and financial success. The NMPA has remained the most active and vocal proponent for the interests of music publishers in the U.S. and throughout the world, a continuing tradition of which the association is very proud.


OmniBox Interactive Broadcasting Network
Thomas A. Bush, CEO 1993


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