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I Want To Be Ninja (Neenja) original song by Jennifer Murphy “GoGirl” performed live!
I hope you love my Neenja (Ninja) song, and be sure to check out my “I Want To Be Neenja (Ninja) music video! @JenniferMurphyGoGirl
I Want To Be Neenja game now released on Google Play! Apple/iPhone version coming soon!
Thank you to ALL of my fans… love you gals and guys!!! And thank you to my haters for helping me get SO MUCH MORE exposure. You guys rock! LOLOL!!! Keep it coming! 🙂 Link for game below.
A genius like this comes along once, maybe twice in a generation.
It's crazy how people can get away with this kind a behaviour. Kudos to the asian woman for being so calm and dignified.
This women has 100% donated to Trump.
What did chow do to this lady?
I think Kramer held the previous record for consecutive minutes of performance racism to a flabbergasted audience.
Wherever this is being performed next …..i want to be there.
WE TURNING TO NEENJAS WITH THIS ONE🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣⚔️⚔️⚔️🗡🗡🗡🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷
The Chinese lady failed to clap.
Farrrrk 😮
Best unintentional feelings racist song ever fing hilarious
Wow, this hadt to be the most white powered racist video I've ever seen. She should be ashamed of her life choices, and everyone who claps along 😕 xx
First time I’m ever seeing this😂😂😂
Yo anybody is here in 2024😂😂😂
the accent when she said maybe i could be ninja got me cracking up🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Oriental girls face, tho… And she get right up on her…I want to be neeenja
3:46 if looks could kill.
Is this real??
Now make one about blentleman
I'm guessing the Asian lady is Chow?
455& i5l544h44
Nah 2:07 was personal like WTF?! 😂😂😂
That is the best
I love her lol she’s funny af and beautiful
This is not racism
This song is stuck in my head, now I want a murphy bed!
I love that Kung Fu Fighting plays at the end 😂
That is some intense racism. I didn’t even know you could do that.
I know one person who wasn't clapping at the end hahaha
What does her selling beds have to do with wanting to be a ninja? And shame on who was like yeah Jennifer you are so talented this is a great idea!
I wonder if the Asian lady was a plant lol. If not that lady has balls to sing right to her face hahaha I love this so much
Man shorty has mad beef with Chow
The only Oriental girl in the entire room doesn't clap one bit lol 😂
I can’t believe she wrote this whole song just to sell Murphy beds. Best. Saleswoman. Ever.
Im asian but i dont find this offensive 😅
This is wrong in so many ways 😅
She doesn't want to be a ninja… She wants to be a NEENJA!
It's so funny that all the white people in the audience are all smiling and enjoying the song meanwhile the only Asian looks visible uncomfortable.
Armmm… Is this racest
Sis said I'm gonna take chow down to china town and walked right up to that Asian woman
This fckng rock!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
So good
Of course it's a rich white lady that thinks this is appropriate
I understand this song is maybe insensitive and all, but what I want to know is who is Chow the she took down in the end?
Iiiiiii…..want to be an American Karen 😂😂
How did the party not turn into a riot lol
i might have made my friend traumatised because of this song, since i wake her up with it, play it and sing it randomly
i don't regret it 🙂
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