In this March Madness spoof, Greg Gumbel (Kenan Thompson), Jim Nantz (Jason Sudeikis), and Dick Vitale (Andy Samberg) analyze brackets for a tournament of crazy people including world leaders, Hollywood elite, and politicians. [Season 36, 2011]
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"That is just an EPIC run of nonsense."
That was a great cold open.
"Its win or get assassinated"…….guess that didnt turn out the way Ghadaffi hoped.
Tony Shalob had a baby with ET 😂
Khadaffi had an Mexican accent
an epic run of nonsense 😂
Thompson is the worst. Can't watch anything with him.
“Nick Cage who always looks like he just witnessed a murder.” 😆
They could totally do this today…
The applause at the start indicates it is a cold open
Thank God they didn't bring up Algeria hhhh
Dick Vitale is so funny comedies on college basketball
Hit the button Keenan send them all to china plz
Today's game is at a whole 'nother level
it's the Salem witch trials bbbaaabbbyyy!
Lol and it turned out Glenn Beck was spot on in predicting the caliphate
You're the best Dick 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Charlie Sheen used to be a good actor.(Platoon,Wall street,Hot shots,The chase etc.
Bill Hader is the next Jim Carrey.😂
Sudan doesn't appear to be in North Africa.
Liberal crap!
Obviously pre-Trump
Too bad they didn't do this after trump became president 🙃
Funny how Becks crazy theories came true
Since when is north korea in the middle east ?
“The pyramids were built by the Wayans brothers” is an underrated joke
Definitely need an update to this. Spoiler, the championship match will be between Donald "covfefe" Trump and a mask burning Karen.
Olbermann is going for the gold this year.
Slaven it refers to Slow Bens Motions of the OSHIAN
Please do this for 2020 😂
1:06:19 https://youtu.be/ohe2dQbNJwM Whuaaaat?
"Seasoned disaster, Courtney Love."
I don't think I've ever heard a more accurate description of Courtney Love 😆😆😆
You should do a corruption bracket this year with Trump, Bob Barr, and Kim Jung Un and his fam
4:20 PUBG !
Bill Hader predicted Fortnite.
Who would’ve thought we would actually need this bracket now that sport is cancelled
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