Cameo: http://cameo.com/rgt_85
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Click bait
The answer is probably
Yall clickbait clowns are corny.
I've never had a PlayStation or Xbox before. The only thing I've had so far is a Nintendo, because several games came on it. I am a real PC Gamer, PC will always exist. Knew for a long time that console was going to discontinue it 😂.
Plus you stop Xbox you going need pay everyone money back for buying games and systems that means a huge lawsuit
Some people with disabilities like me need Xbox games and gaming because it helps the mental state calms me down you stop making systems and stop games you will cause ww4
Stop with the fake news
Nothing happened, all a bunch of haters. Again.
Fake news
i used to support Gamepass for years i quit using it after the "new" rework on it.
Starfield is crap lol
Xbox didn’t acquire all these companies to stop making consoles
I have both consoles as I love the GOD of war last of us 1 series ghost of Tsushima, and Xbox I love the halo series and gears now this is changing no more console wars Ps5 win
As a PS5 owner I hope this is true. I love Xbox, as a single player gamer I am envious of Xbox! I just don’t want to have 2 consoles! I hope PlayStation do the same for Xbox at some point!
Idc about other games i just want sea of thievs
Rgt85 went from a Nintendo YouTuber to a Xbox YouTuber
End the discs man, digital all day.
Rare Replay on the Switch!
Their just adding their games to all platforms to make more money doesn’t mean their done making consoles like Sega something Nintendo and PlayStation should think about doing it will help Nintendo and Sony get richer even more I buy my favorite games more then once
The company that goes hard on digital, online subscriptions, and away from exclusivities, is the one that has the dying hardware, what a surprise
Who ever things that any of those is ok, they just need to see the data and facts and start using their brain
You're awesome "man" let the truth be told…..
gamepass 100% isn't going anywhere..
Im on board for getting rid of gamepass, i rarely see games i want to play and they just feel less valuable because you dont own the games, so you have less desire to play them
Just finished the RE4 remake though and it was excellent
I see it mainly as Xbox and PlayStation planning this that way it gives them both more power to control the console and game market to increase prices
Please shadow drop Sea of Thieves 🙏🏻
If my favorite game of all time Gears of War go to PlayStation I’m done
It’s been easy to see since xbox one Microsoft is going to abandon the console market. Probably won’t happen all of a sudden. Game pass is all they care about.
As someone who owns a PS5, Series X and a PC….i don’t care if PS5 gets all the games Xbox gets, I’d still play my Xbox more than my PS5 because of preference 🤷🏾♂️ everyone acting like this is the end if Xbox as a console or company is silly…it just means the end of the pointless competition when everything is cross play now days and people should be able to play all the games on whatever they feel comfortable using
Xbox games going multi platform will be great.
I wonder if at first they will keep Xbox Game Pass and Microsoft Game Pass two separate things. And the Day One exclusives will only be on Xbox Game Pass
Who actually can verify a company’s sales numbers ? Seriously. Hellblade isn’t on another system bro. Xbox fan boys are nowhere near Sony onlys since Xbox fans also have other co soles . Dumb take . Sony is maga of gaming . They do nothing but remakes and claim they make games. Give me a break. Nintendo hates customers more than anyone and yes you are a nintuber
Removal of the used games market is every publishers ideal Goal.
Im all for physical games, but I can honestly see Xbox Gamepass going open multi platform becoming the game industry equivalent of Blockbuster/Netfix in popularity
of course it will be inside the nintendo direct
Knowing that digital games only is only a matter of time before it happens I've started collecting my favorite physical copies i feel like now is the best time to collect them especially the games I've been following for almost 30 years like resident evil and tomb raider and other games that are my favorite just to look back on and remember how good it was i think going digital is a mistake and a way for them to make extra money like if the game disappears from your library you'll either lose it and have to buy it again or something like in order to play this game you'll need to update your gamepass or some other type of update so they are always making more money of the game even after buying it i hope this isn't the case but i can see something like this happening it's already happened to me in the past with digital games hopefully it's not a bad as i think it will be
No it’s all about da money luv from brooknam
RGT85 stop spreading bull 💩 and peddling false rumours
Phil Spenser said we heard your comments and will respond so I’m guessing it’s more of a gaming announcement then it is business
Its like many youtubers have iq19 or something..
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