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Thirst Trap by Confessions Of A Rebel
L’Eau Revee d’Hubert by Sisley
Atramental by Room 1015
*Find the full list in the Top Pinned Comment.
I’m your host, Darren Van Dam!
Tired of looking for good movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime or other streaming services? Every week I recommend a handful of the best movies on Netflix, Amazon, HBO etc. so my subscribers never run out of good movies to watch on streaming. Spending 10 minutes watching one of my videos could save you hours of searching, hours that you could otherwise spend watching good movies on streaming that you otherwise might not have ever watched or even known about.
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15. The Black Phone
14. No Time to Die
13. Terrifier 2
12. I Want You Back
11. Vengeance
10. The Lost City
9. Beast
8. Ambulance
7. The Northman
6. Air
5. Wrath of Man
4. The Outfit
3. Thirteen Lives
2. Nope
1. Top Gun: Maverick
Of all the movies on this list I've only seen a few but of those I have seen Nope and it was one of if not the best movie I saw last year. Great story and characters. The acting was very good and it was just amazing all around.
Maverick was okay but a tad over the top and required too much to make it feel believable. If you know nothing about Naval Aviation or how planes really fly, in combat it's pretty good.
‘Nope’ was utter crap…Peele’s worst film.
Nearly every film you do prime we have to pay for their not free in England.
Hated every one of your recommendations, so do one of the top ten you hate and I’ll know what to watch
I agree…. ticket to paradise was terrible… very disappointing and a waste of money at the threatre
I’m sorry but Nope was just a let down because of referrals like this. I went in expecting a great move and got a boring wannabe sci-fi horror. Just stop pushing Peele he is overrated!
I will never watch prime video again since they are adding ads ads to the movies just plain GREED they make billions now and want to gouge prime subscribers
Are you saying these are available for free on Prime or just available? Or maybe available for free in US. In Canada at least half of the films recommended are only available to rent or buy.
I guess I'm the only one who was disappointed with Top Gun Maverick. It just seemed like a cash-in rehash of the first movie (which I thought was awesome). So it's not that the sequel is a bad movie on its own, I just would have liked to seen something more original done with the sequel.
I hated The Lost City because she was too old for Channing Tatum in a creepy way.
I never used cologne til I smelled this .what bollocks please don't take us for fools you like it because they pay you to like it enough said
Too long on ad . Wow man everything moves on you : eyes , mouth , your entire facial expressions. Then you move your entire body ( shoulders) omg your hands. I was staring at it all , lol so distracting
Yeah in watching Bond I felt like the female 007 should have knocked Bond out and finished the mission I know it’s gonna sound corny but he deserved a happy ending
Love your stuff —— always good 👍🏼 always what I’m lookin for — so ,, thank u 🙏🏼!!!!!
Terrifier 2…… YESSSS!!!
— I’m a huge Hard Grove fan, and cannot find anything good——-👿👿
💀Please do a video—- of::
(specifically new horror- like maybe -2020 to present)…..
—- and anyone reading this, please feel free to recommend any good NEW HORROR,,please 💀
My son and I picked this movie apart because we love it. And we came around to it being about an alien lifeform that was trying to keep to itself and not bother much of the humans. But gets attacked and lashes out and winds up dying.
Thirteen Lives is probably one of my all time favorite movies within the last 5 years. Such an incredible & insane story. I'm not claustrophobic however on some of the scenes I had to look away & turn the volume down. I felt like I was in the caves with them. It's so realistic watching them moving through spaces that were so small they has to tank their air tanks off. I highly recommend this movie.
Nope is the worst movie ever. Some really bad picks here.
You pay for premium youtube to get rid of ads and these idiots shove it down your throat.
Totally agree with your comments on "No time to die"… it's o.k. but not the best James Bond movie and I hated the ending…… "Ambulance" was a great movie.
I wouldn't recommend even if it was free. 95% trash.
All these movies are so second rate. You try so hard to make them appear worth watching. You highly recommend most anything..Prime sucks.
We dumped Netflix for a prime because Netflix just does not get anything interesting that is new
Watched all but the last 10 minutes of Nope, most boring acting ever but that might be due to the directer seemingly using an hourglass to determine pacing.
11:40 I, absolutely hate this (CGI) mistake they make in just about any movie where the guy is throwing a spear. Unless you are throwing it at the speed of a bullet, I don't care how good and strong you are, if you threw the spear the same way with no arching at all, it'd NOT go any further than 20 yards max (if that)!
Did not care for Nope. The characters were just not compelling or likeable. Also, the story was slow and I was just wondering what the point was.
Top Gun: Maverick was embarrassingly cliche.
Is this perhaps the 15 worst?
Rating THE LOST CITY over ANY James Bond film is criminal.
I saw it and the entire time I'm sitting next to my wife I was wondering when I got to escape
The movie air was good.
In the Air movie, do they go into the forced labor and child labor they use to make their shoes ?
I'm usually with you…but your Top Gun take…hmmmm….one of my least favorite movies of all time…simplistic story…a Tom Cruise hero vehicle that does nothing to surprise or subvert expectations…I predicted most of the major elements of the story. You may say this is reassuring for fans of this sort of product. Fair enough. But I would like to sense that there was a human intelligence behind the creative energy of an enterprise, and not a very basic, unsophisticated computer. Perhaps that's just me.
I LOVE the word you used, Badass-ery!!! 😄
He clearly has different tastes from my own. Of all 15 picks, 'Ambulance' is the one I would suggest you watch first. He's right in that it is not big on dialogue or plot development BUT it keeps your attention non-stop. Ezia Gonzalez alone is worth the watching!! She's perfect in her portrayal!!
Beast is up my alley. Im going to watch it now.
Prime Video has way more movies I have to disagree with you Netflix sucks
Wasted good money on Bond and Northman when they came out. Don't think I'll be bothering with them. A couple of interesting ones on the list though
Nope sucked balls
the lost wokeness….no thanks
Another thing that Prime does better than anyone is book adaptations, which isnt too surprising considering Amazon's roots. The Expanse, Reacher, Bosch, etc are just great.
Have to agree "Top Gun Maverick" is OUTSTANDING!
I say Nope to Nope. I saw the whole thing and kept waiting for it to get better. Too me, maybe I would have liked it better if I was in the same mind set as I was as a child who still laughed at people falling down.
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