Do you ever feel that there’s a spiritual force watching over you?
Have you ever felt a presence trying to contact you?
It may be your spirit guide trying to send you a message and protect you.
All of us have at least one spirit guide who is dedicated to help us in every situation and walk down the right path.
Now let us understand what a spirit guide actually means.
In this video, we are going to talk about some of the most common signs that you need to look out for when your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you.
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Voice over Artist- Candice Christina
9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking of You
Soulmate Signs and Signals: 7 Identifying Signs Of A True Soulmate
We Fall In Love With 3 People In Our Lifetime – Each One for a Specific Reason
Chapters –
0:00 Introduction
2:04 1st sign
2:33 2nd sign
2:45 3rd sign
3:13 4th sign
3:37 5th sign
4:07 6th sign
4:35 7th sign
5:03 8th sign
5:28 9th sign
5:49 10th sign
6:18 11th sign
6:49 12th sign
7:17 Conclusion
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#TheMindsJournal #spiritconnection #communication
I've been felling like 3 to 4 spirts have been around me..lately.
I was crossing a major intersection with the light being green for me and made it to the other side and had just put my foot up on the sidewalk curb . Earlier in the day I had shoved a piece of junk mail that I pulled out of my mail box into my jacket's pocket on my way out of my building. It was half in and half out of the pocket because it was a large piece. So, it was in my pocket then - as I'm crossing the street. When I put my foot on the curb to get up on the sidewalk, suddenly a huge gust of wind kicks up out of nowhere - and blows that mail piece out of my pocket and onto the road. There had been no wind all the time I had spent outside before this moment. I then immediately pivot around on the foot that wasn't on the curb yet to face the mail piece and begin to lean toward it to start walking toward it. In that quick moment a voice pops in my head (that I know wasn't mine) and says "It's not important - let it go!!" I think think "Yeah it's not really important - oh well" I then quick reverse pivot on the same foot back to facing and put my other back on the curb of the side walk I want to get on. The entire sequence of pivoting back and forth must of taken about 20 seconds. So, the second I put my foot back on that sidewalk curb, I hear a loud explosion behind me and then see large chunks of multi-colored plastic flying by me on both sides onto the side walk. I then pivot again on the same foot to look back onto the road. Two cars had just crashed into each other exactly over the spot that piece of mail that was in my pocket landed. An Asian lady got out of one of the cars screaming "my baby, my baby" - and a lot of bystanders ran over to help. Because the amount of people that ran over, thought to myself "too, many chefs in the kitchen - she's got plenty of help" and kept on walking.
But the reason I wont right now is because every time I tell anyone about my experiences I get looked down upon as if I am crazy just because God gave me very unusually gifts and I don't know if anyone else who has these gifts. I do have most of these you mention but I have extras that I have not found anyone and or information about them.
When you mention ORBS I had a experience with one that I am sure nobody from this time period has ever had but like I said I don't think I will share it at this time, The orb is not the only experiences I have had that I can't explain.
The reason I am not going to share is it's seems that nobody really believes in the actual power of God.
I have tried contacting 100's of Spiritual you tube sites that tell you to leave a comment and we will get back to you, These so called sites are anywhere from talking about orbs to stating they are a Church and many other type of spiritual sites and are here to help or they believe in signs and miracles and if you have these certain powers contact us, But so far all I have run across are you tubers that all they do is tell lies just to get thumbs up and subscriber's they never respond back.
Although I have just about given up on everything now and what I mean by that is my powers are just about gone because I have been perusing and trying to find out why me because of these powers that have and I can't find anyone that is like me anywhere I mean it hurts when I am looked at as a demon and or crazy person when the thought of God continually crosses my mind although those thoughts have slowed down quite a bit.
I have even stopped tithing to a Church that I was member for over 10years and when I asked for help they to abandoned me and when I first received these gifts this Church is the one I chose to attend and many of my experiences accrued while attending CCV and this abandonment from this Church has been the clincher it's my worst bad experience from a Church that's supposed to help when someone reaches out to them but instead I get 100% ignored.
It's not the only church that I have reached out to and all of them are the same they just ignore me, This is taking a toll on me now I am to the point I don't want to be here anymore what's the use I get these powers and all they have done is consume me making me feel worthless.
In the last 8 years I have been bombarded with evil and hate and I know it's coming from demon's they have been trying to stop me and they are succeeding because I really think I have been chosen for something that's coming or is already here and I have nobody to help me fight this battle I have been searching but nobody's out there to help since God has stepped aside and left me to rot, I really feel kind of like JOB which I stopped at and have not continued reading because it hurts me inside so much to know that JOB suffered so much but kept his faith through it all to God.
I hate to say it but again I feel this comment will fall on deaf ears.
I have a 2 other you tube channel and when anyone makes a comment I always answer back because it's the right thing to do.
I need to know if someone are around to keep her honest and not sell the apt. in Spain that was supposed to be mine.
Many dark things happened before, under and after his funeral.
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