Devlog video about “Homegrown”, a casual farming game I’m creating using my own engine. This time I’m implementing particle effects into the game!
Support the channel on Patreon and get access to the code for this game, the city-builder, and Equilinox:
My previous game “Equilinox”:
You can follow the progress of the game on my social media:
Background music by Jamal Green:
Outro music by Dannek Studio:
#devlog #Homegrown
Sorry it's been a while since the last upload! I was on holiday at the start of October and then had an annoying cold for a week or so, so progress was a little slower than usual last month. Back on track now though!
why isn't this person using an existing 3D engine?
Your life seems so peaceful. Your garden in real life is beautiful by the way!
I know this is an older video but a suggestion on the leaf particles. Maybe add some leaf color metadata to each of the plant objects. Then parameterize a tint value in the particle effect that reads the leaf metadata to apply the proper color. I've done this in the past and it's great to have it data driven.
Hi there, I was thinking today about what it's like creating your own game engine and I have a few questions regarding it. Do you do everything from scratch in your projects or do you use libraries or packages (whatever they're called in Java) to make your life a bit easier in that regard? If so, what packages/libraries do you use?
What a phenomenal video!
The particle system makes it very lively. Amazing progress so far!
One question: how did you handled the component deserialization?
I like that your farming game is a point and click game
Can you do a video on the day in the life of Rufus? I'm serious, I'd watch the heck out of that.
Your digging pebbles from the effect should stick around like 10 times longer so they fade over like 30 seconds
Nice touch with the particle effects, they really add an extra layer of vividity to your game. Awesome content as always 👍
Banana pancakes sounds yummy 🙂 I watch your videos when I need inspiration.
Have you ever considered switching to any other language? Something more interactive than Java and less verbose. Something like Clojure. Given a REPL, you aren't gonna need to craft any special tool for tweaking code at run-time.
Major quality of life feature.
It's a privilege to learn few design principles along the vlog.
I love the dust hiding the floor and also the mesh update; also, just make every vfx 3D, they look like they are part of the world, and it's so nice watching them react to the environment…
You probably get asked this a lot, so sorry in advance, but how did you teach yourself game development? I know you said you've studied computer science and that you taught yourself opengl. But asuming that one person has only basic knowledge of programming (knows the basics of a certain programming language), what advice would you give to that person to teach themselves about game development and making a game engine like you make for your own games.
I'm a 4th year mechanical engineering student who enjoys games and finds your devlogs very relaxing so any advice on this topic would be great as I would like something like this to be my hoby on a much smaller scale. Just to gain the ability to make a simple level, import some audio files and 3D models in it and to have it work would make me overwhelmed with joy.
Can you also make a video about your camera system? It looks so smooth!
You could add wether. Rain and disasters with a probability to happen
Are you ever going to recreate the LWJGL tutorial with version 3?
I really enjoy how you structured the particle class with component objects. Blowing my mind a little I can't wait to try out that style of OOP 🙂
The weeding particle effect should have weeds instead of dirt clods. Ideally you don't actually want to remove too much of the soil when weeding so it would make more sense to show grasses and weeds being thrown around.
All of your videos bring me os much peace! Another great update, the 3D particles are looking really cool! Can't wait to see what's to come
Hi ThinMatrix! Have you ever made a dedicated video on how you manage your time/tasks? I find your channel super inspiring and would love to know more about your process.
Something feels off to me with the colours in the game. Maybe the extent of desaturation.
How are you able to programm such cool games in a pure garbage IDE like eclipse? 😅 I have to use it whole working and I'm becoming insane, because this IDE has so much problems with cashes that don't get refreshed properly or the whole IDE freezes
I'm sure it has been mentioned, but i LOVE the fact that this game is called "Homegrown" – its about growing plants at home, in an engine that was "homegrown". You're a genius, awesome video
I think you need ability to pass custom parameters to particle system, like color of leaves. In this way you won't need separate system that is identical except color.
i gotta say i really like how particle effects look now! very satisfying to watch… Good luck on your further development! 🔥
The 2D particles it looks like you were writing to the depth buffer. Which was probably causing your transparency issue… If I had to guess at a glance.
Designer brain going here but: I think it would be a good idea to add in another reason other than aesthetic to have different patches of the crop instead of just making use of all space.
You could:
– Make it a rule where that's jut not possible
– Make it so that there is an increased chance of cross-contamination (either from certain crops being plagued and then giving that to others, or just contamination in general based on the combination of crops) depending on how close crops are to each other
– Make it so that walkways are necessary regarding the speed of harvest (so making it so you are less of a god and more like you have to physically move a person to the crop.
when's the marijuana update? lol
I fucking love these particle effects
Man, Rufus is a cool guy. Loved when he had a leaf on his face. 10/10 video.
I love you
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