Amazing Fight scenes in Movies Top 5
I do Not own any of the following Movies / Clips, they are for entertainment use only.
List of movies featured in order of appearance:
#5 Never Back Down 3
#4 Transporter 3
#3 Undisputed 4
#2 Kingsman
#1 Legend
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Track: Julius Dreisig & Zeus X Crona – Invisible [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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where the punisher
The Bros are class
Just so everybody is aware, nobody gets knocked out when a small glass dish breaks on their head.
My reflexes and coordination always get better after I suffer multiple consecutive TBI's. Especially when I lose consciousness for some of them.
Good good …. I really gotta step up my game b4 I can say "manners maketh man" but that sentence is awesome
The never back down 3 scene was dog shit.
Raid redemption?
Transporter 3 was awfully edited by some 12 year old on Red Bull and Ritalin.
That shit wouldn't make make any serious top 500 fight scenes list.
7:59 I know this car and i know who owns it. He is from Baden-Baden an called Michael Jackson…….he is only 18 years old….poor boy….he loved his car.
cameraman did the most work
Jet Li Roy 😂 hardy-har-har i’ve never heard that one before.
eine sog. kata direkt auf einen direkten kampf zu übertragen … hat mit der realität meines erachtens nichts zu tun… aber in filmen sieht das gut aus … (scene one)
most of these sucked
I think ur top5 fight list is in reverse. 😅
Every martin ford role : ok martin, so here's what we want u to do. punch, kick and make sure to grunt with each one and growl at the audience whenever u take him off his feet.
Quite in chains for someone fresh out of prison
Hmm, Jet Li vs the entire precinct of corrupt cops in Kiss of the Dragon.
Top 5 fights that is not Even close to reality. 😆 Nr 1 closest, Great movie.
8:34 what is this shit? 20 cuts in 3 seconds
This is all bullsh*t the only good fight scenes in here is in the Undisputed 4, Never back down 3 and Legend the others are just fight scenes that use some shake cam and different camera works. This list is horrible if it was me I'm gonna put here like The Raid 1and2,
Ip man movies , and Jackie Chan movies and others that have advance martial arts 👍
There are a couple of fights way cooler than these like the hallway fight scene from the old boy and Ip Man vs Mike Tyson or Ip Man Vs 10 black belts.
Ong Bak nerede?? Gerçek dövüş sanatı olan "muay thai" nerede??? Beyinsiz listesi bu… Transporter ve Kingsman filminden bile sahne var Ong Bak ve İp Man serisinden tek bir sahne yok. Sahte dövüş sporlarından oluşan liste bu.
Never back down scene sucked
Only Michael Jai White show best martial art in this video through all five video clips.
Fighting or Martial Art winning always in calm way state of mind.
Anger or hatred always come to lose..
Even in reality,
if you get angry and lost control , you'll get lost from calm and focus people.
Even they have no experience in fight, they just follow most fav actor.
Always learn martial art in calm way, like Yip Man, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, etc
witch movie
Movie name
Problem is , that is too far from real world
Great video until the end. We all know the british cant fight and that was a terrible movie.
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