Home EntertainmentMovie US Submarine Commander Rates 14 Submarine Scenes In Movies | How Real Is It? | Insider

US Submarine Commander Rates 14 Submarine Scenes In Movies | How Real Is It? | Insider

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Former US submarine commander L. David Marquet rated the realism of submarine scenes in popular movies, judging their technological accuracy as well as the depiction of life on board.

Marquet addresses the realism of nuclear crisis movies, such as “The World Is Not Enough” and “K-19: The Widowmaker,”. He also rated the accuracy of standoff scenes in “The Hunt for Red October,” “The Enemy Below”, “Hunter Killer,” and “Crimson Tide.” He also breaks down the realism of costumes, tactics, and terminology from “U-571.”

Is life on board a submarine, including confined conditions and drills, as depicted in “Das Boot”? Would Navy SEALs enter a submarine from a HALO drop similar to “Act of Valor”, and is it possible for a submarine to hear music from the water’s surface, like in  “The Wolf’s Call”? Can holes on a submarine be plugged with pins and other metal objects, as we see in “The Simpsons”? Would nuclear missiles be triggered by dislodging in a ship interior, such as in “Aquaman”?

Marquet graduated top of his class from the US Naval Academy and served for 28 years on submarines, including as an engineer officer aboard the USS Will Rogers, then as captain on the USS Olympia and the USS Santa Fe. Having retired in 2009, he is now a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of “Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders.”

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US Submarine Commander Rates 14 Submarine Scenes In Movies | How Real Is It?


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@guycobb3129 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

U-571 was WWII movie, the scene with Harvey he should have gave a little bit about the movie and them taking over a German U-Boat. And that McConaughey was actually the executive officer. who became the Skipper after the CO was killed. If you did not see the movie.

@maundamartin59 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

And the 🌊 is very cold

@maundamartin59 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

That's what made the sub scene from the SIMPSONS funny….because they. Actually CHEATED DEATH.

@maundamartin59 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I think I understand. Liquefied LEAD, allowed the sub to generate MORE HEAT. ERGO MORE THRUST.

@maundamartin59 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am


@gunnerbhb50 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Nope U571 the uniforms are different because they just infiltrated a German U-boat disguised as a German repair crew, not because of the liberties taken because they're sumariners, watch the movie Commander before making opinions, in other words do like Nicholas Moran does when giving opinions about Tank Scenes

@BabyMakR March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I'd like to hear this guy's thoughts on the Titan submarine.

@chiconeededthemoney March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I'd love to see him comment on Down Periscope.

@spaceghostnow4010 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Down Periscope?

@JohnRobinson-nh7oj March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

This captain gave me my dolphins. Thanks Marquet. nice to see him.

@stackhat8624 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Crimson Tide – Its clear that the Captain's actions were wrong and against the rules. The movie wasn't suggesting this is how things normally would happen on a SSBN but how this captain acted. The captain wanted to get rid of the XO and replace him someone who would do what the captain wanted so made used the BS reason of mutiny.

While L. David Marquet is a former submarine commander he isn't a film maker or screenwriter.

K-19 Widowmaker – he's right thats not how SLBMs work but we're talking about the USSR in the early 1960s. How much does he know about 1960s subs and their reactor and the nukes they have on board. Soviet military equipment wasn't known for its safety features. While this happening on an Ohio class sub is impossible I wouldn't rule it out on 1960s USSR sub.

The Kursk sank because of leaking fuel from a torpedo and that was in 2000. 39 years later.

@karlslicher8520 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

British Sub captains only need to convince the guard armed with a bat blocking access to the safe containing the PM's permission letter and launch codes that it's time to burn the world.

@ADCentras March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

In killer hunter he sayed before "tomahawks ready"

@michaelbadass9049 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Water compresses the air inside the sub and even if you survive, you can probably not breath (breath in but cannot breathe out kind of situation) even if you find a pocket of air (if you survive in the same compartment as the leak occur) my assumption is right or wrong. P.S Talking about depth we can survive the pressure of the water of course have a nice day!

@ramzcoldlampin5460 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Was really hoping for some Down Periscope, but still a great video.

@thinkforyourself2109 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

This was a good interview. This guy is entertaining and knowledgeable. Glad to know Das Boot rated high. I've always loved that movie.

@Some_Guy_6 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

You sounded like Dyatlov = Reactors don't explode. Chernobyl be like = Allow me to introduce myself.

@LudvigIndestrucable March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

'You can't relieve a captain of command over a disagreement'
Well, Hackman was trying to subvert nuclear missile launch procedures, falsely claimed mutiny and was fat.

@6ixss March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

amazing judge !

@MistyMountainVideo March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

You forgot Down Periscope.

@ashtoncap2161 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

This guy looks like a school teacher and a dad that is also a sub commander….i'd go to war with him😂😂😂

@GoogleAccount-zu8yp March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

K-19: The Widowmaker was filmed in Canada, specifically Toronto, Ontario; Gimli, Manitoba; and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Met the guys who built the sets for the movie. They were so proud of their work.

@pauldean8638 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

The world peace is so strained right now , people should listen to him about smart hypersonic threats . Let’s keep our sailors safe against threats that can’t be stopped .

@PhilippBrandAkatosh March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

People should make the game barotrauma into a movie or series that would be awesome, i would watch it.

@shaungutierrez9411 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

My 1st Captain…USS Santa Fe SSN 763 2001

@nunya3163 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Regarding U-571, and the uniforms. Their uniforms where a mix, as some of them had been posing as Germans, and had in fact, taken a German U-Boat. So some where dressed as Germans, and the rest wearing US naval uniforms. It was an irregular circumstance.

@mattysheehan9786 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I 100% thought he was saying sarcastically
“Yeah we can hear what different torpedoes sound like and we study them”

@shadowmancy9183 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

For K-19, my understanding of the explosion came from a pressure issue, rather than a nuclear issue, and the diving was to put as much shielding between them and another vessel as possible via water.
Also, no Down Periscope, the most accurate submarine movie ever made?

@THEAdmiralXizor March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I would LOVE to get this guy's thoughts on "Down Periscope"… 😁

@Leo_dont_shoot_video March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

I have to say he was a little harsh on K-19. It took place in 1961 and the sub was the Soviet Union's first ballistic missile boat. The reactor officer was directly out of the academy. Computer power at the time… that whole sub would carry less calculation than the very first iPhone. More than half of the design was likely done on a slide rule and subject to human error. Keep in mind that almost forty years later, with massive computer power, NASA crashed the half-billion dollar Mars climate orbiter when someone forgot to convert pound-force seconds into newton-seconds. The crew was probably picked for being great at being on a submarine, but had no experience on an actual boomer. Russian officers tended to be chosen because of their connections, not necessarily their talent. All sea-going people still deal with superstition, and the pre-launch incidents were weighing on the crew. It is entirely possible most of the men on the ship did not have a very clear understanding of how the reactor and missiles would respond under failure conditions.

@aa-ze5cz March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Was lucky enough to go on a nuclear sub (dry docked, obviously certain areas restricted) in my young age (military in the family got invited, one guest so a relative took me) and what I will say is movies that show them looking all high tech inside and having all this room and looking like a regular boat… NOT the case at all.. they are very tight/cramped, difficult to navigate, and at times claustrophobic. Of course there was certain areas we were not allowed and certain questions were restricted to answer, but I always laugh at some movies where they show a nuclear sub (or subs in general) just having all this space and cool neon lights, etc. lol.

@nazarghhh March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Cooolest sub commander ever!!!

@gnoscyde March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Is it just me or does this guy remind you of an older Sam Rockwell?

@THOMMGB March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

This was really good and a lot more entertaining than would have thought.
I really wish he had watched the submarine tragedy at the beginning of The Abyss. James Cameron appears to me to be very thorough and tries to make his movie as realistic as possible. I wonder if that's true.

@jerrybot7321 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

He was the right choice for submarine commander. You want the most clear headed, reasonable person, with positive attitude who is the least gung-ho about launching nuclear weapon to be operating your nuclear missile equipped submarine.

@climatehero March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Great real comments.

@isustudent514 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

This guy has great energy but did anyone else notice that he does not blink? It's straight creepy.

@Thorstein31 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Das Boot is always a 10. And why does he remind ne of Warwick Davies?

@JamesLaserpimpWalsh March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Mutiny is when the crew take the ship. If an officer does it, it's barratry.

@Amm17ar March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Lol he caught him self there. "The black sea which weve..humans have operated in" Sneaky sneaky lol.

@benjaminmatte5225 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Das boot, good flick

@Lawmaster1702 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Can’t believe they didn’t have him rate one of the most submarine focused movies out there…Down Periscope.

@dcpack March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

One of my coolest medevacs in an ancient HH52A took place off of Washington state. We were tasked with meeting a Los Angeles class sub at a very specific time and location to medivac one of the crew. We established a tight orbit around the lat/long and very promptly the sub popped up to the surface, quickly hoisted the crewman up and in a very short time that sub was gone. Watching a sub rise to the surface at open sea was as cool as flying around the Goodyear blimp while airborne. A once in a lifetime perspective.

@JohnSmith-cn4cw March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

An American describing a USSR sub. I admire his optimism about communism ship design.

@ivanjeremija9180 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Why not include the best movie of them all " Down Periscope" ? It's a comedy but still raises a lot of interesting questions; would they be detected under a tanker ,would the fishing boat scene work (probably not), would the rogue diesel sub be able to do something in real life etc…😶

@OMIntuitiveReadings-cf2wo March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

My Dad was a WW2 submariner. My understanding is subs aren't called ships, as the presenter did a couple times, they're called boats. Has that changed? And I was disappointed he didn't talk about Ice Station Zebra.

@SmokeDog1871 March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

That's great they decided to just throw the simpsons in there for good measure

@RunOfTheHind March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am

Ben Stiller's millitary brother.

@PLURRAVERS March 24, 2024 - 3:00 am


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