You might want to watch these films again. For this list, we’re looking at films with strong messages that are often misunderstood. Our countdown includes “Fight Club”, “Parasite”, “Dirty Dancing”, and more! Are there any movies you’re pretty sure people don’t get? Be sure to sound off about it in the comments!
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#WMFilm #Movies #FightClub
Are there any movies you’re pretty sure people don’t get?
Fight club is the movie which really changed my life
Ferris Bueller‘s day off
The whole movie’s theme is about helping a friend, who is having suicidal thoughts.
The whole is about anti-suicide and showing a friend a good time.
It’s about being there for your friend.
Whiplash. So many people probably walked away from that movie thinking "These entitled kids today just need a hardass to whip them into shape! It doesn't cut it to simply to a 'good job.' If you wanna be great, you gotta sacrifice. You gotta put in the unpaid overtime. You gotta commit to the grindset. And a little casual homophobia don't hurt neither! You saw at the end, that kid could play the drums. He manned up and got results!"
I saw the Wolf of Wall Street like Goodfellas or Casino. All these movies show the main characters indulging in their newfound riches and luxury as well as their acts of debauchery and crime. But as these films progress, all their plans unravel and go awry, causing them to burn bridges and lose everything.
As entertaining as these movies are, I found the acts of the main characters to be repulsive and immoral, especially in the wolf of Wall Street. In fact, I didn’t feel bad for many of the characters in that movie. But these three movies made me glad to not associate with a life of crime and give into morally corrupt temptations. So the message here remains clear in all the films. Props to Scorsese because he directed all three of these movies and this is a recurring theme in many of his films.
es mas un recordatorio que una enseñanza, como ver que esta mal
i get morals if i want to ax
Why isn't The Exorcist on this list ? The Exorcist is often called "The Devil's Movie" ( I can easily understand why do to the film's imagery). William Peter Blatty,the author of The Exorcist, stated that it was actually intended to be a story of faith through the character of Father Damien Karris who loosing is his faith, but after his first encounter with the possessed Regan. He starts to regain his faith and was able to successfully cast the demon out Regan sacrificing himself in the process.
Rambo was a Soldier built for killing communists. How could I not cheer for someone like Rambo?
Enders game would be a good one
I don’t think it’s the audience’s fault it’s the filmmaker’s fault also ppl watch films to get entertained if filmmakers want audience to be scared they should show things seriously not with flashy editing and cool music they glorify it bcoz of which ppl are amazed and start practising these acts that’s the reason I believe ppl shouldn’t connect their lives with films
I got the message wrong on Scarface. I took away from it that if you're really bada$$ and cool you'll have lots of blow and a pet tiger.
Surly Rambo, i don't get anything from that movie but it's my childhood favourite
Rick and Morty isn't a movie but it should definitely be added to the list.
Lol you don't understand starship troopers lol you make a video people about people getting things wrong but then couldn't be more wrong yourself
Except that there is no fascism in the "Starship Troopers" movie. There is propaganda and patriotism but that isn't fascism.
Yep! The Godfather is overrated.
So many people are so hard on Fight Club for being violent or self serving when really it’s just reflecting how our society already is
I don’t think that anyone necessarily misinterprets Inception in terms of morals, but I think there’s still debate to this day about the ending and what it “means” but I think that’s the whole point, in that it’s intentionally left ambiguous because reality itself is ambiguous
In Dirty Dancing, it's Penny, not Peggy 🙄
There are honestly many problems critics and audiences, some of them are just a bunch of dumbasses, like when critics gave Joker a 68% on rotten tomatoes i believe, and Audiences give Peter Jackson's Version of King Kong a 50%, I'm pretty sure they say stuff like gonna say "iT's ToO lOnG" and
Yet they say "dOn'T tRuSt CrItIcS".
Isn't it ironic that multiple movies on this list criticize capitalism while shamelessly profiting off of it? Parasite in particular grossed over $250 million worldwide on an $11.4 million budget.
The fact that everyone idealized the Wolf of Wallstreet ruined the movie for me, couldn't even enjoy his well-earned downfall smh
I got the moral of first blood even before you explained it.
that moral helped me understand people and life better.
as well as to show compassion for those who deserve it and to those most people would condemn for whatever.
Of course Wall Street types cheered on Jordan , because they have no morality or soul.
Really are we living in a world where we need this explaned 😂😂😂
How came for Tom Holland
Even Stallone failed to understand First Blood
I understood Rambo also but they put that on their selves as the movie explains by basically arresting him for nothing, so yeah I cheer watching him kill those basterds
On the surface Debbie Does Dallas seems like a no brainer action flick as well. But let me tell you what, it goes so much deeper than that..
Fight Club!! THANK YOU, exactly
It’s amazing how many films are actually propaganda for socialism.
I also felt like everyone missed the point and overall message of "Joker". Everyone missed the whole mental illness aspect of the film. I'm not going to go deep into it because there's too much to unpack, but those who saw the film and got the message knows what I'm talking about.
When this would be about tv shows, number 1 would be breaking bad. I am surprised how many people see Walter was the good guy
Lots of people got the moral from wolf of Wall Street wrong because Leo’s acting was too top notch
i think godfather was more a glorification of a mob movie and shud be treated as one and then goodfellas is to show u how the real mob is u shudnt watch godfather for the message imo i think u shud watch goodfellas instead
You should resume this fucking video as capitalism is bad, but dear Mojo you are the fucking biggest representation of capitalism so don't act like some communists adicts.
Should have added White Chicks. Everyone makes fun of White Chicks but it actually has clever metaphors and you can even call it a satire about blackface, the lifestyle of rich white women like Paris Hilton, the black man who looks for a white trophy wife (Terry Crews) and even more metaphors that people ignore because the media labelled the movie as bad.
Scarface and requiem for a dream
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