Teaching Old People How To Use Technology

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Teaching old people how to use technology can be frustrating, but sometimes your grandparents or even your mom or dad don’t understand it too well because they didn’t grow up with it like we did. So it falls on our shoulders to teach them how to play Pokemon Go and watch Game of Thrones before they start trying to figure out what channel Netflix is on.


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@jackiesimplejake March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
The main reason old people can't use tech is because none of their hobbbies involve using a technological interface. I didn't have my own smartphone until I was 19, but I have been playing videogames since I was young, because of that I was familiar with an interface. Jumping onto a new piece of tech wasn't mind blowing because I had the skill set to learn.
@Whitemike63 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Exactly my mother can't figure out how to use the TV inputs to switch to a blu ray or the TV box. No matter how many times you show
or explain it, its something that can't be figured out. How after 5 years you can't figure out something as basic as that, then its my fault
that they can't figure it out. There does need to be a senior citizen mode but even that I think would be a challenge. Set it up to where a
2 year old can figure it out.
@Whitemike63 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
My mother is in her 60's and people her age can do basic things on a laptop or use a TV remote. Its several years and she
can't figure out how to use a fucking simple TV remote even though I explained it a billion times or if a TV box freezes you
unplug for 1 minute and plug back in. She can't remember or do simple shit like that, calls me to scream at me like its my
fault she can't use a basic TV remote. She has a laptop and can't even open a folder or click on a desktop icon on the screen
even though I showed it a 1000 times. I never seen anyone this bad at it and I believe my grandmother who passed would
have figured this out by now. She watches TV all day for years but still can't figure out the remote. How come she knew how
to use a remote 30 years ago ? Im assuming its ahlzeimers at this point. I get calls where I get yelled at over the TV not working
right. Over and over unplugging the box works, she cant remember that ?
@c.d.dailey8013 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
My mom is way less tech savy than me. I have been trying to teach her how to use Wix. However she struggles real bad. I have decided to make it even more basic. I teach how to do web browsing at all. I also teach how to get pictures using the Google image search. When we do get to Wix, we will just add text and pictures to websites. There is nothing fancy. We even made a separate website that is small, simple and even silly. It is just practice. Wix is a great service. Don't get me wrong. I personally use it. It does make web development so much easier and more intuitive. I don't mean to bash Wix. I swear. I guess there is just a learning curve. It does take some time and effort to get used to the interface and do stuff to the website. It was challenging to me at first. However after a few web pages, I got the hang of it. Then building webpage becomes easy. When my mom tries to learn, she stumbles so badly. I even got to the point of suggesting computer classes at a community college.

Maybe the problem with tech savvy people like me is that we get comfortable in our intuition. Tech becomes so familiar and so easy. We can do what we want without thinking about how we do it. Exact movements by the cursor and keyboard become subconscious in a way. We are very fast and efficient while working on the computer. This enables to do extraordinary things in tech. This would be a good thing overall. We would be great for the IT section in a company. The big downside is that it is difficult to teach. Beginners stumble on all sorts of stuff. It is stuff that is subconscious to us. So to get stopped like this is so frustrating. Teaching is very difficult and it requires the patience of a saint. I have tried, but it is by no means easy.

It is sad that this video have seniors struggle with tv and email of all things. Those thinks are so easy. I don't mean to brag, but I have used a Roku TV with great ease. Roku doesn't seem like rocket science. I see that I am not alone.
@IStMl March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
2nd time
@Fullrusher March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Omg it's so annoying but I have both my parents and I teach them everything and what I can see they have different willingness to learn and that's the key , some times they just want you to do it
@Thomas-VA March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
teaching young people survival skills, for when tech fails them and they dont just starve in their apartments, the inverse
@blakevitali1176 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
senior mode, great suggestion. Shame the tech companies couldn't be as intuitive
@daniellevy4104 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I feel bad , today I was trying to teach my mom how to use a QR code to return a package … it’s so simple and yet so hard to explain to someone who refuses to learn .. I lost my patience agh
@pikachuthegayatheist6215 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
What’s funny is that we don’t use voicemail, we don’t use text, and we don’t use email. Most people use DM‘s on Twitter, or Facebook messenger, but old people don’t know that. I still get my grandpa asking me if I still use text when it is like no the only time I do that is with family because well I don’t communicate this to my family on social media and for business reasons. If I were to actually communicate with people it would be on Twitter like everybody else even though I still use the phone.
@memphisrainezzzz7040 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
the problem with smart tv’s is they have 100 different things to click on when you turn it on
@moortezaa3397 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I'm Crying. I have made a school for them. and I'm losing it.
@thatoneannoyingtornadosire8755 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Does anyone have like, a youtube playlist of guide videos on how to use the internet and technology for old people?

I've been trying to help my dad use the computer, his phone and other stuff but no matter what angle i go about it, he ends up getting confused and extremely angry at me. He will insult me and basically make me feel awful.
I don't want to talk to him about technology any longer and wish to just be able to send him videos that explain every single detail about everything. I know the basics of technology but my memory is bad and I often cannot recall things in the detail he wants, causing him to get even more angry at me and start yelling.

I'm tired of it, i'm tired of repeating the same things every fucking time, i'm tired of constantly being yelled at because he's confused. I cannot take it any longer.
If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it a lot. Thank you.
@TheRedSparrowYT March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
The thing im struggling to do is explain what i do for a living as a youtuber. My grandparents don't get it and think I just sit playing video games wasting my life lol. They'll compare me to other people in the family who say, work an entry level job at a supermarket and say "why dont you see if they've got anything for you?" Any tips lol?
@colehilkey9718 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I keep getting told i look 32ish..... BTW unless you got lucky your 30's are just to repair your 20's lol
@colehilkey9718 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Did you just say 1985!!!... Listen you young wipper snapper! (1984).... shit.... I'm getting old....am I? I'm typing as i think....I'm 37.....
@Chelaxim March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Computers have been around for awhile and they were always old. Old people will talk about Millennials and Gen Z not knowing how to use a type writer or rotary phone...which is true. But it won't take us 20+ years to learn. It's funny you how young people who left the Amish know how to use technology but people who have literally been using this over two decades can't.
@dianaellsworth6869 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
You are hilarious and so sweet! You are so funny , I had to run to the bathroom so I wouldn't pee my pants from laughing! And then it was such a burst of emotion , that I started crying 😂.😭. I'm 54, and my son looked this video up for me.
@jakemillar649 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
So relatable.
@luzi29 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Tech for old people is a huge business. Unfortunately nobody is dealing with this issue. Your parents may be old now but many people get dementia and then normal use of a phone will become a problem. Regardless of any other devices
@saturn5036 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Anything made past 1999 old people have a hard time using.
@Nobody-do5oz March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Yeah, I get mad at my grandparents when they don't understand how to use something.
@glammother247 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I’m so tickled at these old folks and technology!!!🤣🤣🤣 I can’t believe I’m here like his grandma 👵🏾!! I wanna be hip and cool learning this stuff🥴🥴
@windflower3619 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I’ve been teaching my granddad the same things got 10 years, no joke, it gets to a point to where you can no longer be patient. It’s infuriating to have to drop whatever it is I’m doing the minute I see my pops pick up some tech because I know every 15 minutes he’ll need help. I’m so sick of it
@solarchaotica March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Fun fact. If double clicking a program is too difficult. Teach them to press it once, and then click "enter" that way there's no time constraint
@AineTaiki March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Aww, save those voice mails from your grandma if you can, people don’t know how amazing your grandparents are until you loose them and it’s always nice to have something to remember them by. Very cute video, tnks!
@serenaleahy-higgins3 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
im unfortunately dating a twenty two year old and I have to teach him this
@magenxmajestic March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Bruh my grandma couldn't figure out how to put the taskbar back to the bottom of the page rather than the right side. She lost her shit and had a tantrum until I fixed it for her
@MaxPowers1245 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Very funny but no very helpful
@oliviachagolla March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Omg you have no idea how much this video is related to me
I was laughing the whole time!
@Tippy2forU March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Depends on your age. Boomers yes. Gen X no. We were raise with technology.
@lagartogrande1908 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Tell a young one that they are going to do their own brake job and they freak. Just changing our brake pads is like flying to the moon. The little dummies don't know squat. Hey, kid, you have a flat tire...fix it. Hey kid, today YOU are going to change out your spark plugs. NO, I am not going to do it for you. Consumerism has turned them all into smug little experts at nothing.
@lagartogrande1908 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
I have patience. When I show somebody something I go slow, I repeat myself. Take things in steps. Then I get them to do it. If they were not paying attention, it is their fault. No, I will not "show you again" (and again and again and again) PAY attention. This is not rocket science. They think they will "press the wrong button" and destroy their computer. I try to explain that computers do nothing on their own, a computer won't do anything untill you command it....usually falls on deaf ears. Teach a lesson...repeat, review, review. Repeat.
@eddvcr598 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
For my parents, from ordering pizza to using YouTube, I write down every single step paired with illustrations on how the pages look along each step, circling exactly where to tap, and go over the steps with them several times together.

God forbid if any one of the sites they use updates their website and moves icons, they are completely lost.

Adding to the difficulty is how they permanently incorrectly learned terminology when you’re trying to help them. I.E.: App = Window, App = Tab, PIN number = Password, Email = Text, Line = Text, etc. etc. etc. and when you try to correct them, dad gets upset because he sees himself as the patriarch and how dare his children correct him. I think old people are way more difficult to teach than little kids.
@Ashton_783 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
My grandma constantly calls me on how to use a laptop and emails me 24/7
@100colorpencils6 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
So I taught my grandma how to use email. Before I left I said Grandma do you understand? and she said yes yes I do.
A couple days later I email her to check up on her and stuff, no reply. I call her to ask her why she didn't reply to email, I ask her if she received it and if she still remembers how to send emails. She then says yeah I do, I just don't want to waste ink.

tldr grandma thinks emails waste ink.
@MATTRI_06 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
@Ubya_ March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
my grandparents don't even know about smartphones so they aren't an issue, but my mother needs to use the pc daily for work, she can use no problem the stupid website where she shares photos with her friends, but god damn she needs to open a word file and type something, or browse any other website. i'm not angry with old people that start learning now, i'm angry with old people that have been "using" computers and stuff for 10+ years and still don't know that you don't doubleclick hyperlinks...
@ashasthomas2328 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Bro "It can be frustrating is an understatement!!"
I bought my grandfather a smartphone and he said he can't use it.
After a few years when his keypad phone died he bought a new keypad phone, the best part I it took me about 1 hour + to add all his contacts and about 30 mins to teach him how to open contacts.
He still messes it up
@galactic-shithead390 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
i am literally the IT department in the family
and the technician to fix hardware
@aaron_22766 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Yup the thing with printing out the email is so true 😂
@sarcasm-aplenty March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
My grandpa doesn't know the password to his email.
@coldavellebelle9378 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
It took my mom 10 long years to learn how to use a pc, this was in the Windows vista era
@mafiaseargent March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Saying apply for student loans and managing money in the same sentence doesn't make sense you can't do both. They are opposites.
@patrickleostevens5432 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Love this video
@student702 March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Why are some people able to remember how to do it and some are not?
@wjrichey March 24, 2024 - 7:14 am
Great video I can so relate to the video content when teaching tech to my family members. Good tips to use also

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