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Teaching old people how to use technology can be frustrating, but sometimes your grandparents or even your mom or dad don’t understand it too well because they didn’t grow up with it like we did. So it falls on our shoulders to teach them how to play Pokemon Go and watch Game of Thrones before they start trying to figure out what channel Netflix is on.
or explain it, its something that can't be figured out. How after 5 years you can't figure out something as basic as that, then its my fault
that they can't figure it out. There does need to be a senior citizen mode but even that I think would be a challenge. Set it up to where a
2 year old can figure it out.
can't figure out how to use a fucking simple TV remote even though I explained it a billion times or if a TV box freezes you
unplug for 1 minute and plug back in. She can't remember or do simple shit like that, calls me to scream at me like its my
fault she can't use a basic TV remote. She has a laptop and can't even open a folder or click on a desktop icon on the screen
even though I showed it a 1000 times. I never seen anyone this bad at it and I believe my grandmother who passed would
have figured this out by now. She watches TV all day for years but still can't figure out the remote. How come she knew how
to use a remote 30 years ago ? Im assuming its ahlzeimers at this point. I get calls where I get yelled at over the TV not working
right. Over and over unplugging the box works, she cant remember that ?
Maybe the problem with tech savvy people like me is that we get comfortable in our intuition. Tech becomes so familiar and so easy. We can do what we want without thinking about how we do it. Exact movements by the cursor and keyboard become subconscious in a way. We are very fast and efficient while working on the computer. This enables to do extraordinary things in tech. This would be a good thing overall. We would be great for the IT section in a company. The big downside is that it is difficult to teach. Beginners stumble on all sorts of stuff. It is stuff that is subconscious to us. So to get stopped like this is so frustrating. Teaching is very difficult and it requires the patience of a saint. I have tried, but it is by no means easy.
It is sad that this video have seniors struggle with tv and email of all things. Those thinks are so easy. I don't mean to brag, but I have used a Roku TV with great ease. Roku doesn't seem like rocket science. I see that I am not alone.
I've been trying to help my dad use the computer, his phone and other stuff but no matter what angle i go about it, he ends up getting confused and extremely angry at me. He will insult me and basically make me feel awful.
I don't want to talk to him about technology any longer and wish to just be able to send him videos that explain every single detail about everything. I know the basics of technology but my memory is bad and I often cannot recall things in the detail he wants, causing him to get even more angry at me and start yelling.
I'm tired of it, i'm tired of repeating the same things every fucking time, i'm tired of constantly being yelled at because he's confused. I cannot take it any longer.
If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it a lot. Thank you.
I was laughing the whole time!
God forbid if any one of the sites they use updates their website and moves icons, they are completely lost.
Adding to the difficulty is how they permanently incorrectly learned terminology when you’re trying to help them. I.E.: App = Window, App = Tab, PIN number = Password, Email = Text, Line = Text, etc. etc. etc. and when you try to correct them, dad gets upset because he sees himself as the patriarch and how dare his children correct him. I think old people are way more difficult to teach than little kids.
A couple days later I email her to check up on her and stuff, no reply. I call her to ask her why she didn't reply to email, I ask her if she received it and if she still remembers how to send emails. She then says yeah I do, I just don't want to waste ink.
tldr grandma thinks emails waste ink.
I bought my grandfather a smartphone and he said he can't use it.
After a few years when his keypad phone died he bought a new keypad phone, the best part I it took me about 1 hour + to add all his contacts and about 30 mins to teach him how to open contacts.
He still messes it up
and the technician to fix hardware
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