Check out our featured song: “Save Yourself” by The Quadraholics!
These films abruptly switched lanes halfway through…for better or worse. For this list, we’ll be looking at various films that did a complete genre 180 partway through. Our countdown includes “Funny People”, “Titanic”, “From Dusk till Dawn”, and more! What movie do you think was most successful at switching genres? Drop us a note in the comments.
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Check out our featured song: "Save Yourself" by The Quadraholics!
What movie do you think was most successful at switching genres? Drop us a note in the comments.
if Hancock was convoluted to you, maybe youre just not that smart lmao
I've noticed something of a common denominator in this list. With the exception of "Psycho" (1960) and "The Miracle Mile" (1988), all the movies listed as flicks that changed genre in mid-story are from 1996 and later, with the majority of them made after the year 2000. Today's flicks are more concerned with technical prowess and ideology than giving moviegoers and video/DVD-Blu-Ray watchers a good time and good food for thought — which is to say that it sadly shows where the heads of today's (often Gen-X/Millennial/Gen-Z) filmmakers are… not among real people or grounded in honest reality. Give us films that don't keep jumping back and forth in time and instead give us movies that, even if they are complex, the audience can still follow along with. As far as the vast majority of today's filmmakers go,, may I suggest the (f)arthouse scene? (BTW, once quick note: "The Great Gatsby" was not a genre-switcher; it and certain other movies merely were merely alluded to, used as reference ,material.)
The Predator (1987): Action -> Survival Horror.
Mother was soooo cool. I immediately got the religious implications and it's played out so creatively.
Yea, Funny People isn't very funny….The real shift in titanic is gasp Jack was never real and only existed in Rose's Head?! Dun-dun-duh!!! Lmao
why is drive not on this list!?
Psycho, the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, and Parasite did it Perfectly.
Hereditary starts as a family drama and ends as psychological religious horror
How about movies that are based on a book or story that is most unlike the story it is based on.
I had seen commercials, probably dozens for From Dusk till Dawn. I had zero clue about the switch up. But when it happened while I was watching in the theater, I turned to see if anyone else was surprised but no one was, I guess they got the memo. But one other movie that did a 180 was Million Dollar Baby, I had assumed it was a movie like Rocky, an underdog making it big or at least making something of themselves. I was not prepared for the plot twist. My jaw had dropped and stayed there for quite some time.
it will be a cold day in hell when i hit the like button in a mojo video
Really? No Punch Drunk Love? No Something Wild? Seriously?
Parasite is a masterpiece, no one expected things to get darker on its second half.
Don't forget Predator, where it starts off as a typical action film and then becomes a monster slasher horror in the second act.
For many of your examples, you can't really say there was a change in genre. As examples, in Titanic, the focus had always been on Jack and Rose, using the sinking of the ship as the main happening which of course needed to be depicted. In 10 Cloverfield Lane, the alien invasion was always in the background, though only later was it shown to be real and not just an excuse for the kidnap.
Predator, from action military movie to slasher/horror sci fi
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid changes from Lighthearted western to dark depressing melancholy western.
From Dusk Till Dawn was advertised as a vampire movie, so no surprise there.
The worlds end was LITERALLY always advertised as a alien invasion movie and has it in the official synopsis even on the dvd. It was in all the trailers…. And 10 cloverfield lane was pretty much only the last 15m. And everyone who didnt know aliens would appear and got mad at it was kinda dumb cause it literally has cloverfield in the name and was sold as the sequel
From Dusk 'Til dawn is one that immediately came to mind. I have four others: The Crying Game, Red Eye, Million Dollar Baby and Kindergarden Cop.
As far as Titanic goes Jack and Rose are star-crossed (ill-fated) lovers, not star-struck. Star-struck is when someone is in awe upon meeting a celebrity, as if Rose had met the real Leonardo DiCaprio.
slaughter house rulez starts like a boring boarding school flick then it goes monster crazy , totally agree with number 1 and worlds end on the list too
If it's done right, the genre switcharoo can be really fun
This is also what happens in event horizon where at first it looks like a completely sci Fi show about a group of people investigating a lost and abandon ship then the show just switches to supernatural horror themed movie .
In my opinion Hostel,
It went from being a Sex comedy to an extremely gory Horror movie
None of these movies are older than the Predator.
how is titanic on this list. It was always going to be a disaster genre due to the actual story of it. The filmmakers needed to add something else to keep the audience glued. So the story of jack and rose was made up.
Avatar learning movie. To dark action
From a major outfit like WatchMojo I expect sound to come out of BOTH speakers. Fix your video.
Click actually terrified me, i watched it when i was like 9/10 my mum must've brought it thinking it was a funny movie but then suddenly Adam Sandler is having an life crisis.
He wakes up obese at some point and even though its played for laughs its also like detrimental to his life and as a kid with a mum who was on the bigger side and who worked constantly to the point of illness, i was actually terrified that she would die.
So then Adam Sandler is in the rain calling out to his kids on the brink of death & he's skipped all the important things in his life.
And I'm way too young to be watching this movie & I've got fucking whiplash from the funny man suddenly being really serious and I'm panicking bc my mum could die or I or my little brother could die like this bc we spend most of my time watching tv, we don't go out with our friends, we stay in my house and miss out on stuff bc we have no money to go anywhere.
What I'm saying is Adam Sandler should pay for my therapy.
Million Dollar Baby.
I dont agree Hancock should be on this list
Dusk toill Dawn is the most well known movie to change genre
Triangle of Sadness changed genre halfway in.
Sooo the hot Asian school girl outfit with piano wire that I see shortys wear every year is based on a fucking psychopath who feeds a man in a bag vomit…
District 9 should be on this list!
Shocked Melancholia wasn't on here. Dramatic movie about a manic depressive bride at a wedding that never seems to end…then suddenly, "Oh btw, THERE'S A GIANT ROGUE PLANET HURDLING TOWARDS EARTH AND WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!".
Whiplash inducing.
La vita e bella, a beautiful mind, the sound of music
The Parent Trap (both versions) started as a kids movie and then became a rom-com.
Man of The Year (Robin Williams) went from comedy to thriller drama
I wish someone would refilm Hancock and take everything regarding Charlize Theron out of the movie. I hated that side story. The story should've just been about Will Smith and Jason Bateman's relationship.
i was freaked out when the video only played audio on my right ear at the beginning. Thought that my headset had failed, then videos audio got fixed and heard it through both ear cups. Scary.
Knowing (2009)
8:14 why is this weirdly funny? I’m terrible, I know /:
Kiss Me Deadly should be on the list
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