Sound of Science: Skinny Sharks | Why Dogs Wag Their Tails | Blame Gen Z For The Blood Shortage

Stephen Colbert, aka the new Neil deGrasse Tyson, reports on the latest news from the world of science.

#Colbert #Comedy #SoundofScience

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Stephen Colbert brings his signature satire and comedy to THE LATE SHOW with STEPHEN COLBERT, the #1 show in late night, where he talks with an eclectic mix of guests about what is new and relevant in the worlds of politics, entertainment, business, music, technology and more. Featuring bandleader Louis Cato and “THE LATE SHOW band,” the Peabody Award-winning and Emmy Award-nominated show is broadcast from the historic Ed Sullivan Theater. Stephen Colbert took over as host, executive producer and writer of THE LATE SHOW on Sept. 8, 2015.


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@leokeatonn March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
And so it begins, Gen Z are replacing millennials as the ones everyone blames
@seankelly1291 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Wait, so you've never heard of antioxidants? Brand news, oxidation of cells makes you die younger.
@MechanizedBlood_1812 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Church Aces from Annoxenre and The Most High.
Blind shuffles and one-handed cuts.
Resolutions and Trivium from Bicycle (R).
Let's turn those spades upside down! Dig it? There's very little dig available. Take the patterns.
That's difficult. Only Kings and Aces can beat a Queen. Joker?
@MechanizedBlood_1812 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
// Photoshop (R) with Frankie Fonts "Hiding the Boring Reality with Active Poses and Language"
The American Dream became about doing extra chores. This is an inhuman nightmare of chore automatons. I take out the trash once a week, buddy. There's nothing out there but garbage trucks. %#$##%$. Do they really need to solve drink and crash or playing cards? Hey. If you adjust the framing and color schemes and shoot from a low angle, nobody can see you do it. Sure, you can strategize political opposition with boring and inactive posing. Why not? WARNING, may cause racing down the streets. 😆.
Hot is not cool in color schemes. // Hey. The truth about "less is more" is to get inexperienced graphic artists to fail by using it. More is always more. Muted warmth lends dignity. B & W says truth telling. You got involved with blue, man. Blue is the equivalent of death in advertising. Threats come from the right. Good luck!! Silver is cool, gold is hot. Get it? This is what is really going on in the world. There are inherent truths about communication that can not be changed. If you're a man who believes in all action, you are about to get DESTROYED. Communication can be espionage, and most people remain blind to its effects.
@elisabethtenbrinkkelley8044 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
"It's Gen Z's fault because we excluded a significant selection of them." is... a take.
@Bartender_Ian March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
The blood donation companies are for profit and too aggressive. I am a universal donor and used to donate as often as I can, however the blood bank companies have been literally calling me every day (sometimes multiple times in a day) and the aggressive tactics have turned me away.
@user-fq6xr5gm2r March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
I was a regular blood donor for 10 years - donated once every three months. Then I came out as non-binary and am no longer eligible according to Red Cross guidelines.

My sex is female, but my gender is non-binary (and I am CERTAINLY NOT a female in gender in my lived experience). The Red Cross asks for “gender” and gives choices of male or female. Of those options, my gender is male. But since I’m married to someone who is male and we have sex as many married people do, I get excluded by a homophobic and transphobic HIV rule. The Red Cross’s rule says anyone who selects their gender as male and has sex with a male within weeks of donation cannot donate blood. Their loss.

I haven’t been able to donate blood for the last three years, but I am SO HAPPY living life as a non-binary person!!
@jjaa_joyjoyartist March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
The red cross jokes 😂
@jjaa_joyjoyartist March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Great show!
@terrancekayton007 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
The band really got a kick out of the 1 & 3s back beat joke 😂😂😂 nice one!
@DK-zu6tt March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
On a serious note, I am 54 and I used to give blood 6-8 times a year for decades. But then, 2 things happened. First the Red Cross and other blood banks outsourced the collection of blood to private contractors. These third parties, if you read the fine print are allowed to do what they want with your blood (might not stay locally or it could even be shipped internationally), and any information they collect on you/your blood can be shared with unidentified third parties. In the past, when it was my local blood bank the blood was kept local mostly for my community and my information linked to the blood was more clinical (like blood type and disease status) and these uses were outlined in the privacy/consent paperwork. Now, who knows what these private companies are doing with my data, my blood and how it's used? If they are doing ethical things, then their privacy notice should be updated to reflect what exactly they ARE doing with it in specific language. But the privacy statement is so generic and broad, they could conceivable, run dna tests on my blood, sell it, ship it to god knows where (supporting say, rebel groups in conflict zones) or ? Read the fine print people. If they want blood, restore my faith in it being used in a way I want.
@Revelwoodie March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Problem with a stimulant???
@HermannKerr March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
What happens when a 17 year Cicada crosses with a 13 year Cicada?
@Fairywind92 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
blood for the blood god
@titaniumteddybear March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
I have a feeling that GenZ is wondering why the eff they should have to give some of their life's blood to prop up a price-gouging anti-humanist monolith like the US healthcare system. An institution that literally kills people, through systemized neglect, because they make more money from letting people die than they ever could by healing them. As usual GenZ isn't wrong: they're just ahead of the curve.
@davincisghost9228 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Cicadas are rampant around here right now...
@user-no5hf9lm1d March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Wow, the deafening silence upon addition of stimulant use~. I hate how many people freak out on the mention of drugs. They think that their abstinence is somehow some moral law of purity that they are adhering too and that their prudent and cautious decision making is superior. you know what they say, "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." That's how I feel about possibility-limiting, intolerant people.... Case in point, we need the cocaine back. Meth is a terrible drug as far as drugs go.
@karenm2334 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Maybe blood donations to the Red Cross are down because people would rather sell their plasma for the cash they need to live than give away their blood for juice, Lorna Doones, and the occasional t shirt.
@senaruryuin2773 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
The lack of blood donations may also be because it was found out that while we're donating the blood, the places that get it then SELL it to hospitals, instead of, yaknow, giving it to them as us folks assumed they were. There's a big rabbithole on that topic, and its not always so black and white as that but that's the basic gist that I was told about what's going on
@olecranon March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
This is the new bit from Stephen that I didn't know I needed
@alarcon99 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Ooohhh nooo! The Red Cross isn’t getting enough blood even though it has discriminated against gay man without any reason! Awww…won’t anyone think of the homophobes?!
@Cucui47 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
In the next installment of Sounds of Science LotR fan Stephen NEEDS to include the science story about how the ASCAP telescope was used to resolve the mystery of what ORCS are. The jokes write themselves.
@JonBlondell March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Excellent music joke! You can tell because the audience didn’t get it!!
@colleenforrest7936 March 21, 2024 - 8:50 pm
Shark regenerates fin... If only Ingenuity could do the same 😢

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