Recently Six whistleblowers have come forward, shedding light on a shadowy world of reverse engineering on supposed UFO technology. These individuals, former government officials and ex-military contractors, risked their careers and reputations to disclose information about their involvement in top-secret government programs aimed at understanding and replicating the technology behind these mysterious objects.
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2. Zero. Zip. Nada.
3. This entire E.T. / U.F.O. / U.A.P. phenomena is just a huge money-making diversion from the far more important issues that deserve our attention.
4. That’s why the government is literally trying to stimulate even more public attention with these ridiculous “video game” clips.
5. Government wants us to look away from their policy failures and stare at the shiny new thing.
6. Literally.
7. To date, what is the most convincing evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life?
8. Fuzzy photos & tall tales exempted.
Out there is a fortune waiting to be had, you think I'll let it go? You're mad, you've got another thing coming.
It's been proven there are "normal" creature that cause these "surgical like" injuries on the cattle.
Ask the investigators at a place called The Body Farm where they investigate death/deterioration on humans & help with normal decay of a human body to solve crimes bt time lines.
Bugs, bugs ARE the ones making these types of wounds on the animals. It's natural credation.
They go for soft tissue 1st, that's why they go for lips, genitals, anal cavities etc. That's how they makes entrance into the body and it looks like perfect incisions at points in this happening.
The guy that thinks it's something from out of this world obviously didn't do any real research into this or just isn't very bright. 😅
Be back soon for more stupid comms ;)
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