In the age of labeling just about everything using adjectives that end in “ist”, “phobic” or “ism”, the simple act of working out is now fatphobic, racist, and rooted in white supremacy?
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#TheCommentsSection #BrettCooper #DailyWire #Reaction #React #Politics #Culture #Entertainment #TikTok #obesity #fatphobia #fatphobic #epidemic #2023 #fat #gym #gymbro #conservative
WTF! Unbelievable! Liberals are getting dumber and dumber. I tend to be liberal about some things, conservative about others. The extremes on both sides are destroying society.
8:17 we should convince people like this that the affectation in her voice, and those similar, are indicative of white supremecy. Then maybe we can stop hearing that effete snob shit.
2:06 but what if these vulnerable young people just like to eat a lot? Are you assuming that they identify as "fat"? That's really offensive that this apparent woman of largess is using the term "fatphobic" instead of referring to large people as "disinclined to be not as large". How dare she call us "fat"😡?!!
😂"it is irresponsible to come on an app!" Lol. Yeah I try not to do that. Gross!
1:14 Simply put: Evil is running rampant! Smh. 🙁 That's the bottom line. This is a prime example. This is a devil. People got the idea — I guess thanks to pride month — that they should stop gate-keeping their temple, and just let any damn thing in. Evil of course will take advantage of this new technology where anybody can make everybody see and hear whatever they do! SMH What? Know you not that your body is a temple for the Holy Ghost? Or… else…
I wonder if what we are seeing are people possessed by evil, or literally fallen angels that took human form.
I am fatphobic so what is the problem
I think people forget about native Americans? The entire continent was thin before Europeans arrived.. and natives are brown. This doesn’t make sense 🫠
Well since “phobia” means “fear of”, I fully own being fat phobic lol I’ve been overweight and it’s not fun and doesn’t feel good and it hard fucking work to get and stay on the other side and I’m scared of that shit because it’s not only unhealthy af, IT FEELS AWFUL! And I was never like 600lb life overweight, I was just around 200lbs so I can only imagine how miserable these morbidly obese people are. Yall can keep it. I don’t want it and it isn’t cute or something people should accept. IT IS UNHEALTHY! STOP PROMOTING A LIFESTYLE THAT IS LITERALLY KILLING YOU! 🤢
fatphobic is a funny ass word, I'm sorry.
How is fitness fatphobic? Fitness has components such as muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, agility and speed, none of which are related to your weight.
Just because I do not like it does not mean I am afraid of it. You just want to be the victim and point you finger at everyone else and blame them instead of taking personal responsibility for your actions.
I guess I'm fatphobic then. it kills me how these people can be so stupid. doctors have said that being fat is bad for your health. doctors are trained professionals who went to medical school for many years and you still don't trust them.
The hilarious thing is that Lizzo and Tess Holiday who are both the main figureheads to this movement, have both lost weight and are on diets. Because, surprise surprise, they're in their mid thirties now when all the health complications from being as heavy as they are are probably becoming a problem. Most of these tik tokers are in their early twenties when your joints and bones are strong and can handle all that excess weight. As you get older though, you become more susceptible to things like all kinds of cancers, diabetes and spinal stenosis.
im proud to be fatphobic
I am one of these kids who almost got sucked into obesity. I was overweight and didn't even know it. I've been actively fatphobic for about 10 months and lost 25lbs so far. Just doing my part.
7:15 "You're just pulling social justice warrior words out of thin air"… apt choice of words
There's always 2 signs of a coin. By being "body positive" you induce more people to embrace obesity and ruin their lives. In a complete different scenario, I remember a study talking about whether it is neccesary to have speed bumps in rural areas, or whether it's mandatory for people to wear a helmet. The answer is of course, yes right??? Well, the issue about speed bumps is they ruin cars, and they are hard to navigate for ambulances that are carrying a very fragile patient. So not only does it cause loss of money, but also lives. Helmets save lives right? yes, but by forcing people to wear them, people (mostly women) would rather NOT go on a bike to exercise, and end up having worst, less active lifestyles that lead to more deaths and health related hospitalisations anyways.
Why do all these idiots call everything phobic if you don’t agree with their delusions the funny part is they say it like it’s a bad thing kiss my phobic ass
been fatphobic for a year and half now down 85 lbs
question if I am fat does that mean I have to support these people or can I not because lots of people tell me this
How is being fit white supremacy??? Like every culture in human civilization has valued strong and fit men due to the need to fight in wars and keeping one’s civilization alive ??? Literally if you look at any culture in the world they have depictions of strong men leading their ways of life ??? I’m tired of this western left wing bullshit why can’t we all just meet in the middle why is it so hard 😭😭😭
I’m literally black and I’m actually underweight maybe y’all are just lazy and want an excuse gluttonous fucks.
What is the I Q of these people . I don't want to get fat or be fat . Im not attracted to fat people to me they are unhealthy and overweight. If that makes me fat phobic, then i guess i am . The type of people im attracted to is my choice
I loooooove my fat, as long as it's on other people.
I don't like the gym so I exercise on my own and buy my own machines and gadgets to help me exercise. Like jump rope, mats or a stationary bike.
I looked up ovesity rates in America by race. Black and white men are very close (44.7 and 44.1), but black women are much much higher than the other categories (56.9). Hispanics hover around 44% for both men and women, and Asians are very consistent at about 17% for all categories, men, women, and the total.
So, really, it would be an argument for asian superiority if we were shitty racist people who believed this crap.
It would cost $9500 a year for me to get fat. I'm not fat phobic, I'm fiscally responsible.
im absolutely fine with being fat phobic if I listen to these people
It's shocking how they always try to find a way to connect things they don't like with "white cis hetero men", which is a synonym of "all what's wrong in society" 😮💨
i want to be able to run away from the zombies
So caring about being healthy and in shape is racist now ? Wow no shortage of idiots that love playing the victim and love blaming all of their problems on white people 😄😄.
Trying to make us feel guilty because you’re fat…. 😂
Im uncomfortable watching that girl stuggle to breathe. Also i guess that makes ronnie coleman, larry wheels, flex wheeler, lee haney, sergio oliva, terry crews., etc… all not only fatphobic but "racist" as well.
Putin is laughing his ass off at us btw
You can call a fatty a Fatty 😂
They're just jealous. Thats all itis i laugh. I dont give a fuk abbout any of this crap anymore. I never really did, but thats another narratiive. 😊😊
Yeah right! Let’s look up the statistics on white men ra@ing fat black women….almost 0%
Used to wheigh 155 at 12 years old started losing weight started 2 months ago lost 22 pounds
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