Home Entertainment JoJo Johnson – Dance Dance Dance Battle (Music Video)

JoJo Johnson – Dance Dance Dance Battle (Music Video)

by admin

“Dance Dance Dance Battle” Available Everywhere!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0oq8iBmL1Wi9dxGginNIOW
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/funniflix_Dance_Dance_Dance_Battle?id=Bybbwcm42n3c2tzuqmtm7pejc74

Hi guys! Hope you enjoy JoJo Johnson’s FIRST ever music video called #DanceDanceDanceBattle!

Let us know what YOU think about the music video in the comments below!

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Musical.ly: realfunniflix


Listen up ladies all across the school
We gon run this place got a couple of rules
The boys around here – must have lost their minds
Thinking they can keep up I’d like to see them try

Got that
Drama by the swing set, I don’t think so
They ‘gon have to dance for the top spot, yo
make this place jump
make it rattle rattle
Let’s, let’s have a dance battle!

Shake it shake it
1, 2, 3
Think that you’re the best
Gotta prove it to me
Move it, move it
stop and clap, let’s go
We can settle this, with a
Dance dance dance battle!

(dance break)
I see ya!
Uh huh!

Okay they took the first round I can give them that
But like a basketball ball,
We can bounce bounce back
Watch us come back harder, smarter
Come back with a vengeance
So you how you gonna feel
When you’re the one coming in second

Got that
Drama by the swing set, I don’t think so
They ‘gon have to dance for the top spot, yo
make this place jump
make it rattle rattle
Let’s, let’s have a dance battle!

Shake it shake it
1, 2, 3
Think that you’re the best
Gotta prove it to me
Move it, move it
stop and clap, let’s go
We can settle this, with a
Dance dance dance battle!

(dance break)
I see ya!
Uh huh!


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