Home EntertainmentMusic AI Music Creators Are About To Get EXPOSED

AI Music Creators Are About To Get EXPOSED

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#AIMusicDetection #AIMusicExposed #MusicIndustryNews
In this episode of the Top Music Attorney Podcast, Entertainment Attorney, Miss Krystle discusses how music platforms are developing new technology to detect AI-generated music, which could have major implications for artists. With thousands of AI-created tracks flooding streaming services daily, companies are beginning to take action, raising questions about how AI music will be categorized, promoted, or potentially restricted. As the industry adapts, creators using AI tools may need to consider how these changes could affect their visibility and opportunities.

With lawsuits piling up against AI music platforms like Suno and Udio, the legal landscape remains unclear. Major labels have accused these platforms of training on copyrighted material without permission, leading to debates over fair use and copyright infringement. As platforms improve AI detection, artists using AI in their process may soon have their work flagged or labeled. Whether this is a safeguard or a restriction on creativity remains to be seen, but it’s clear that AI music is facing increasing scrutiny.

0:00 Coming Up
00:19 Introduction
00:40 Deezer’s AI Detection Tool
00:57 10,000 AI Tracks Uploaded To Deezer Every Day
01:25 AI Uses For Music
01:52 Exclusion of Fully AI-Generated Tracks On Deezer
02:59 Complete Accuracy To Detect AI Music
03:41 Suno & Udio Sued For Copyright Infringement
04:19 Risk In Creating AI Music
04:51 Identified As An AI Artist
05:21 Marketing Made Easy Course
05:52 Suno & Udio Claiming Fair Use
06:10 Suno Sued By GEMA
06:31 “Noise” Tracks
07:33 $20 Billion Projected To Be Lost TO AI Music
08:08 Music Platforms Tagging AI Artists
08:27 AI Artists Discrimination
08:52 Caution When Creating AI Music
09:13 Financially Exploiting AI
09:27 Potentially Getting Sued For Using AI Generating Platforms
09:49 Conclusion

Legal Disclaimer: The information, ideas, and suggestions in this video are not intended to be legal advice. Before following any suggestions contained in this video, you should consult your personal attorney. The speaker shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising as a consequence of your use or application of any information or suggestion in this video. Pursuant to the fair use doctrine under the 1978 Copyright Act, a copyrighted work owned by another may be used for criticism, commentary, news reporting, and educational purposes. The use of the livestream contained in this video falls within the fair use doctrine.
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@TopMusicAttorney February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

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@chazzypoofs February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

The irony is if the 3 major companies exclusively used AI to create music, this would not be an issue, but it would be an issue if AI artist used the same models with out their permission. I have no problem with AI music as a whole. The music industry is incredibly vast with creative input, but also predatory practices. When they say that AI music eats into percentages of Artist revenue, They actually mean THEIR revenues. the artist makes an incredibly small percentage compared to anyone and everyone else in the music industry.

If enough creativity is used to create music in AI, currently, it is going to be tough for anyone to claim any real infringement on songs/music created in a more traditional way. Expecially since Some/Lots of traditional artist produce many products that are almost carbon copies of their own products, but other traditional artist products as well.

A great example is Stevie Ray Vaughan, It's a very well known joke that he's built an entire catalog of music with only "a few songs" Most progressions, lyrical melodies and structures (even key signatures) as EXACTLY the same. lol! Check out a live performance of his to know when I mean. There are many examples of even modern artist doing this and don't even get me started on Pachelbel's Canon and it's musical progression/structure that also all artist use (specifically in the Pop genre) The only way for these labels to combat AI generated music is to go after the process itself, not the music generated. It could be the most complex song structure created, bit by bit and including original lyrics… and still, if it's made with the use of AI, it doesn't matter.

That is incredibly predatory and honestly disgusting. eventually, the music industry will become equivalent to the production and sale of Whale oil. Obsolete due to the advancement of technology used to produce similar products for general, personal and commercial use. Mainly because of how copywrite works today and has worked forever. It may not be in this lifetime, but in 100 years, when 99.9% of all copywrited music today becomes open source in the public domain, there will be no action the music industry will be able to take in regards to AI music production. We're simply ahead of the time when it comes to that technology and while the major labels have majority control of the industry, they are doing the most to try and secure as music revenue as possibly for the moment and the foreseeable future.

@xargalakthe7thplanar326 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

i make AI music but most of the songs i have created were either 1 my copyrighted poems meme's or just things to help me train (the training ones i specifically made those for my personal use and family/friends) usually try and check if my songs have copyrighted sounds (i make my own lyrics, with chatgpt's help lol because writers block)

@guydaniel1299 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I’m glad …. Get these AI losers out of the business.

@PeacefulMelodies-777 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

My thought is, I do not agree with streaming Ai songs on platforms such as Spotify. That is my opinion. I personally write stuff on guitar and recreate using SUNO, hoping that someone like Top Music Attorney will recreate it. But, as far as worrying about the chance that ai might accidentally create something similar, I would say that is low on my concerns. Why? High probability if we look hard enough, all songs most likely have something in them that is identical, we just don't notice it because the words are different or the tempo is different. Journeys Don't Stop Believing A, E, and B is a fine example. Again, I do not post on anything other than YouTube because I really believe the streaming platforms should be reserved for human performers. Now, if someone wanted to create an Ai only channel, then maybe that would be worth pursuing. Just my thoughts. Great info as usual my friend! Appreciate you!

@dewitt.powers February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I know youtube encourages these thumbnails, but they also cause me to give negative stats as I click the video only to make this comment and then leave immediately.

@Hassan_Omer February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

So if you reproduce that Ai generated music replacing it with your own sounds and melody, would it still be considered Ai generated?

@akaJAMILA February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Music is a talent that takes a lot of time and practice to develop and grow. AI can kill the pure art involved in creating music. I work so hard on my music I personally hate ai because the music industry is already over saturated. With AI the uphill climb is even harder for very talented artists like myself who don’t have a huge support system or following. I know it sucks for people who are less talented. But some things you have to put in the effort for and music is not for everyone if they are not willing to work on it.

@joeparkhurst57 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Wait, how do you get sued for a melody being too similar?… doh… interpolation…derivative… yada yada yada… sorry… I'm high right now.

@jamesfisher552 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

So I have been using ai for vocals mostly to use with trance music. I write the words and then I separate the track into stems and only use the vocals. I then usually write the rest of the music myself so it ends up more of a remix of an ai song if that's a thing. Lol. I would much rather use a real person but as a artist that has only made $4 in a year with streams that's a bit hard to pay someone for their talent. I don't know I just like creating music and I cannot find anyone who's even interested in collaborating.

@skyhorseprice6591 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I have this to say about AI creation of music.
Prove to me that your bloody AI is sentient. Prove to me that it is a person, a being with hopes and dreams and love and despair and pain! Show me this, because this well of emotion and heart and soul is the touchstone from which artists create. So prove to me that an AI is a person who FEELS and I will support its right to express itself.
Thing is, that ain't gonna happen because what 'AI' does is just raid the entire world's store of musical, literary, and creative knowledge and then STEAL. If I took a miniature recording device to someone's band practice, recorded their songs secretly, then went and published it all as my music, I'd be busted for plagiarism and copyright infringement and possibly even being a big poopy dicknose bad human. If I cried, "Oh but it wasn't ME that stole, it was my DIGITAL RECORDING DEVICE," does anyone think the court would go OH, RIGHT, NOT GUILTY?
This is what AI CREATORS really are: super fast & comprehensive search engines that can encompass vast areas of human knowledge and then steal from it. There is not one original thought involved here. No AI is gonna get emotional about its Muse because IT DOESNT HAVE ONE.
Imma say this once. Art, which certainly includes music, is the province of sentient beings who can feel passion and heartbreak and love and loss. Artists are alchemists of the first order; we ride that wave of pain and transmute it into joy. Into love.
Every AI created song is composed of bits stolen right out of the souls of real musicians. I despise this trend because it is trickery to steal yet more from real artists under the guise of AI. So I say this to the proponents of AI creation:
Show me an AI that can cry. If you cant do that, kindly stop polluting the already compromised creative space in which I and millions of other musicians live.

Edit: Since you asked, no I do not use AI. At all. Ever.

@rockstarsplayground February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

The problem here is if you want to make a great song you need to write the lyrics by yourself whatever if the music is AI generated or not. Also at some point you need to work on the music part too. It is never totally AI generated and a lot of time is spent to make it great. If it is totally ai generated like all the crappy spaming songs or audio files they found then OK it is a good thing and really… why not remove them instead? Now how to detect if it is partly human created? You need to listen to the song one by one. They never gonna do that. Instead they gonna use AI to restrict everything that seems to be AI on the platform. What a stupid thing!

@eddiehewie February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Spotify making there own ai music and selling it to the masses………..think about that for a minute.

@arpanConYT February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

been using SUNI last couple of months — good for brainstorming and ideacrafting — sometimes you get stuck with creative block and that's when its a good tool, but I don't think it a tool you can just use as a plugin or artist's alternative – could be after idk when its a better model or maybe you try regenerating the same prompt 30times

@JimmyEcho333 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

If you don't believe, just come and see….Echo

@907studiosak2 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I am a writer, not a musician, I have had lyrics kicking around for decades and have tried to get multiple musicians to make some music for them.. which they all said they would, never happened of course. Along comes AI so I try it and blam! I finally have music for my lyrics, and some of it is pretty damn good. Actually almost all of it is really good and I am not trying to hide it, I call myself the AI DJ. Then I started to use some of my dear departed Mother's poetry and oh my God WOW! Everyone has loved it including myself and it is very touching and quite emotional to hear my Mother's words come to life. Her passing hit me hard and I wrote a poem about my worst day, the day I found her lifeless body. I generated a song with it and published it and that is the only thing that helped me to start the healing process. I entered into a contest and it won a spot and some much needed prize money that helped so much. My song "(Always Be) Your Baby Boy" racked up 18K plays and got hundreds of likes and I even got some followers from it. Because of it I was able to revive my long dead self esteem and start to get back out in the world again. I will always be grateful for the tool that AI is, because it can not create anything on it's own, it can only follow a prompt, or in my case the lyrics that are entered in to it, along with the style preferred. I have been learning to sing some of the songs, but I am keeping the music generated, not trying to recreate it. I have done over 3K generations and have over 300 songs that I've saved, in less than a year. I look at it as the greatest musical instrument ever created and Timbaland basically said the same thing. Love it or hate it, AI is here to stay. I am going to continue to make use of it for as long as I can, cheers!

@somnaut February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Can't wait for my fully-handmade music to be tagged as AI… by AI. You know this tech isn't gonna work correctly.

@AIMusicMix-q5r February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

There are more famous artists out there who don't write their own lyrics or their music than artists who actually do. In fact, I would say most big artists don't write their lyrics or their music. Do people consider them real artists because they sing well but, had no part in the creation of their music. Of course not, they are treated as good as an artist who writes their own lyrics and music. Elvis Presley didn't write any of his music or lyrics and he was one of the biggest artists of all time. Studio musicians are responsible for creating some of the greatest songs of all time and will even play on a bands album instead of the band member themselves because they are better musicians. I can almost guarantee you that many artists are using AI to create songs as well as the music producers because it's so easy and it's good. Do you think there going to tell you? Yes, it's kind of cheating but, if the music is good who cares. A great song is a great song, I don't care who created it. Artists have been ripping off other artist for years and way more than you would think. Most music is created from samples or midi packs or by a computer program these days anyway and then they use auto tune. Is that cheating? They are never going to be able to tell if a band created a song with AI and then just re-created it themselves. Do you really think artists will be honest about that? Hell No!!! It's hard as hell to write a hit song but it's a 1000 times easier with AI. There is no question artists are going to take advantage of a technology that will help progress their careers so much faster. You would be stupid not to. Suno has created many songs for me that could be big hits and I love listening to them. It's an amazing technology that I never thought would be this good and it's just the beginning. It will only get better and if artists don't embrace it they will probably struggle to make it. I love the fact that you can create completely new genre's by blending all the different types of music you love in seconds. I'm sorry but, that's what I see for the future of music. Who cares if AI wrote the song, if the music is good and people like it, that's all that matters. An artist can perform a great song whether it's created by AI or someone else or themselves and it's still a great song!

@benv770 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Ai is the best thing to happen in music so far as now anyone can write lyrics and compose music without having to go to a studio and pay thousands of dollars, many established artists today are using ai assisted music, check out some Spotify artists who have millions of streams,my advice to musicians is to use Ai if you need to so as to keep up with the music trend, ai will not go away, it is here to stay, it is the future of many things including music, just like our grandparents detested the idea of carrying and looking at a phone 24/7 people may disdain ai music now but it will become the norm for the kids of tomorrow

@Aimmmers February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I mean i hate when i see AI Creators with a verified music artist tick on their channel, and also AI artists releasing on spotify and other platforms.
Unlike youtube, those platforms are more organized and more purposed. Their purpose is for music, real music

@cerebralax February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

Where do you actually draw the line when it comes to defining AI-generated music? When you buy Sample packs that magically make chords for you without any input whatsoever from you, is that Ai-generated or not?

@exxocial February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I recently had a friend use Suno to create a song using my lyrics. I might put it out for free.

@biffmalibu9488 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

So, I guess what I'm getting from this is, if I use AI to create a scratch track from the parameters I input (Original lyrics, theme, style, genre, time signature, tempo, instruments, BPM, etc.) and I like what AI generates and I go into my studio with my band and re-record it, tweak it a little, add backing vocals, etc. I could LOSE MY RIGHTS to that song because I used AI as a scratch track? Tell me that not so…

@DubSessions247 February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

I don''t hide nothing on my channel, people will not be able to hear the difference in the near future. Nor will tools. So, no, this is a loosing game, if you can't beat them, join them!

@DedVerse February 4, 2025 - 10:31 pm

this is the same thing that youtube did not really surprising.

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