Dragon’s Dogma 2 reviewed by Jarrett Green on PlayStation 5, also available on Xbox Series X|S and PC.
“Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a strange and wonderful game that seems haunted by some of yesteryear’s bugaboos. It is a retelling and reimplementation of all of those wonderful ideas from the 2012 cult-classic, including an awesome dynamic world and some of the best combat in the genre that integrates a subtle but amazingly complex physics system. On the other hand, its finicky ally AI, clunky climbing, choppy frame rate, and camera with a habit of going haywire at the worst times are all “features” I wish hadn’t been brought back for another round. Even so, there’s an action-RPG here that’s richly rewarding and incomparable to its contemporaries if you can be patient with its quirks and open to embracing its hands-off open-world and quest designs.”
At launch, Capcom added microtransactions to Dragon's Dogma 2 that were not available during the review period. In our reviewer's opinion, they can be safely ignored and do not affect the experience or his recommendation. For an in-depth look at what these microtransactions are and how they work, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_-B52qop8c
I like it. It's less kitchy than Monster Hunter. Feels like Skyrim too.
game score 8 -3 = 5 the -3 is for travel difficulties and the road being ridiculously jammed with random enemies
they ruined their own game for some unknown reason ..
This is a Great Game!! But Way tooooooo Short!!!!. Finished it in a week. i want to slay more dragon's and Ogres!!.
Don’t waste your time on this game, most of the quests don’t even have hint and you have to wonder around too many time to find something by yourself, and fast travel system is so bad.
Just started the game and am about an hour in and I'm done with it already. It has to have the worst fight mechanics of any game I've played. Will not be giving it a second chance. The developers need to go back to school or beg help from the geniuses at Assassins Creed Odyssey who got it right. Even Skyrim's mechanics are head and shoulders above this. It was immersion breaking to the point of stupidity and I'm no slouch when it comes to any form of combat. This reviewer says at 0:51 "It's also high levels of janky" is an understatement.
Kept the shit action combat. No thanks. Really tired of game companies being lazy and trying to make PC gamers play a lesser designed console game.
I would be so mad if I could only get 8 fps on black myth wukong.
Actual returning players will notice they not only split strider in half, but they didn't make the appropriate advanced or hybrid vocations that should have come with it. Sorcerer is the advanced blue vocation, warrior is the advanced red vocation there is no advanced yellow or green or a single hybrid that uses green.
This looks way more fun than that Elden Ring thingie.
For us video game normies, is this game difficult?
It has issues with friendly fire for sure don't know how many time a pawn killed me with a BS spell or stray arrow 😅
All the red flags present, and the biggest of them all – time limited quests. Going to my „never going to touch it” bucket
this game is hardly a 4, made in 2005.
This reminds me of the anime show called The Shield hero
They gave it an 8
Awful narrator…what are we doing?
This is a shyte review!!
This gets an 8 but DOOM 2016 gets a 7.1 😅
Primary school grammar. That's IGN.
Elden Ring would have done so much better if they made fast traveling a pain and charged microtransactions to make it less of a pai… wait
Shadow of the Erdtree shits all over this game. Better world, combat, bosses, graphics, quests, enemy variety, performance etc etc. And its not even a game, just a dlc for half the price lol
lose the voice morpher
It's crap traded it back
Didn’t expect evil dead to show up in a dragons dogma review 😭
Just finished it after 51 hours 10/10
Such a boring game, deleted it after like 20 hours waiting for it to get fun, waste of 70$
Is the combat hard?
Evil Dead 2 wasn't a remake
such a shallow review
Looks poor to me
Game is awesome just like the first one
“It never falls over” wtf is that supposed to mean ign is so annoying
Way too high. Maybe half of it. 4/10 is appropriate for a game with micropayment that does so much wrong
Dont buy this game unless you hate yourself
Half of this review had nothing of substance. Talk about the various mechanics, gameplay loop, end game content, quests, etc. This was hardly informative.
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