*NEW* BEST Controller Settings For Fortnite CHAPTER 6! (PS4/PS5/XBOX/PC)
Hey guys, It’s Ayth back here with another video, in today’s video I show you guys my long-awaited UPDATED Chapter 5 Season 4 Fortnite Controller Settings! These settings are similar to some of the BEST controller players in the world like Deyy, Reet, GMoney, Pxmp, Mero, FaZe Sway, and MORE! These settings work for everything, PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, Xbox 1, PC, Xbox X, and etc. Hope you guys enjoy this new type of content, this video is VERY detailed packed so make sure to watch it till the end. Also, expect more videos similar to this more often!
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#fortnite #fortnitetiktok #fortnitemontage
Best Linear Settings For Competitive Fortnite
Best Linear HEADSHOT Only AIMBOT Controller Settings for Competitive Fortnite! (PS4/XBOX/PC)
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Like & Comment 3 Times So I Can Reach Alg! (400 Likes = New Video, On SATURDAY!)
When the new sens post
Yo I hit unreal 5 time with these settings thankkkk u
yo bro can you edit me a montage
What paddle is your edit
Why you are on computer?
Yo bro can we do a 1v1 plz
bye any change the people that had like and subscribed can u add them on fortinte?
Hey man, I am back. I have a question. Do you play paddles claw or standard grip?
Good sens or noo
Good or no
I love you
W vid
u have a new sub
Ayth i swear if these sens dont get me to unreal im gonna stick my weiner in ur mouth
Double claw?
Hi mate. My settings video on fortnite, there’s no “performance mode” it just only graphic quality only without “performance mode”. Any advice? Thanks regardless
You play claw?
I had pretty uncomfortable sens but when i found this i felt so much better and got a win with them and i have never said anything like this to any other video
Are these good for two paddles?
Your the goat
Will these get me earnings?
Look damning ia 10
w settings bro
Bro cooked ng
The best settings for manette ps5 is the good settings thanks
8:45 thank me later
type shit
Do these work with nientendo controller
I can’t even play Fortnite with controller on my pc it just doesn’t work i can play rocket league tho
Good video goat
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