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Planet fitness it equipment feel decent for gym apartment
If you really say you would read every comment then JON SKYWALKER IS DEAD RIP JOHN SKYLWALKER
lol it;s just a gym chain
I love my planet fitness! I do wish for some other types of equipment but I’m having a great experience
I really want it's branch to be established in my city. I feel there is nothing wrong about this gym except that lunk alarm. But I will be happy joining this gym. I will just go there, train and mind my own business.
Honestly i would look at tryna not be a jerk towards newcomers at PF. Cause making content to make the lunk alarm go off justifies the newcomers into not going into the gyms and having a negative view of a muscular person.
This doesnt justify them having pizza days (which only a few do now). Enjoy the gym and be polite. Its a shared space.
If u feel good after coming from the gym,u r not training hard enough!
Planet fitness is not helping people become fitter and healthier. Individuals might use planet fitness to improve themselves, and maybe even individual employees are helping people. But the company is not helping society and doesn’t care about people’s health. Planet fitness is the worst franchise in my opinion.
I want my weekly dose…of fitness!
The planet fitness I go to nowadays doesn’t have a lunk alarm and I’ve never seen them serve pizza and I go 4-6 days a week. Times have changed
PF is a decent gym. idgaf what anyone says. it’s adequate. you can get big there.
You Americans workout like you drive lol
5:55 Who the Turk cares ? If business is doing good it is going good. People might avoid such gyms at first, but they will eventually join it as they grow and muscle building won't be their priority no more.
Offering your members pizza and doughnuts, but banning powerlifters, is diabolical work 💀
can't really blame PF for this. It is really good they offer a very cheap offer for those who can't afford more. its on the people this one.
"People who don't want to train"
Lady is obviously doing lengthened partials, wdym she "don't want to train?"
i've checked, planet fitness is mostly confined to North America, Australia and 4 clubs in Spain, stfu about "wordwide" and "global" element, its mostly NA's problem
never had any trouble getting a killer workout at planet fitness the weights all weigh as much as anywhere else
only downside is smith machines instead of squat racks
My name is Ricky and I wear a tank top am a big bodybuilder with a huge water jug who grunts loudly while lifting . I am a lunk apparently?!
Planet Fitness is a gym that’s not actually for people into fitness
I’ve been going to Planet fitness, affectionately called PF by those of us in the know, for close to a decade. Some notes and perspective. The lunk alarm is never used, the last time I heard it was 3 years +, the pizza is an old meme, the haven’t done that also in some years, but idk why people are so pressed, for the most part the average pf member is not going to be ruined by a slice of pizza. On that note the largest segment going to to pf is teens and 20 something’s, mostly high school and college kids and young working class, it’s not the demographic being portrayed here or in their marketing. It’s cheap, has everything you need, not everything you want, you can do any type of training at pf. It’s getting annoying training is synonymous with weightlifting because it’s not, no it’s not a lifter friendly gym even tho a shit load of people lift there, but it has something for everyone. It’s cheap, I’m seriously confused at people swoons upwards of $100 a month on gym membership if they’re not a full time athlete or serious trainer. It’s a great gym with dumb corporate nonsense. What I love about it is it’s approachable financially and socially for the atypical gym goer. The active youth is still the biggest clientele, but there’s elderly, families and the unhealthy that can come and have a space that they feel comfortable to train at. Planet fitness has gotten more people fit than any other gym franchise purely from accessibility. All the hate for pf is for things they no longer do or are known for, in fact it’s a big news that pf is getting a lot of new lifting specific equipment and going to black aesthetic, so they’re literally becoming the exact opposite of what this videos claims they are
Its a good beginner level gym and they do a great service offering showers to people in need.
In more rural areas, planet fitness is a godsend. Normally, the employees don’t enforce the rules and it’s cheap if you’re on a budget. Definitely know a lotta PF warriors lol
I used to deliver the pizza to planet fitness and they would tip hella. I was very sad when they stopped.
Let’s ignore the negative and turn it into a selfish positive argument on why one can use planet fitness to justify why it’s the best place to train:
There is a noise alarm, forcing anyone to not jump on to some heavy equipment, and then dropping it, avoiding the risk of injury and also focusing more on the negative of the movement
Clothing can be also a way to look and feel heavier without looking imposing, yet also one can build one of the best bulking physiques by having those snacks that are included in the membership
Less serious people, meaning that the equipment will be less worn, but with some questionable sweat, yet more functional than expected, and there will always be a free equipment
My PF just got new hack squat machines and a Olympic lift area. Dude you're video is stuck on information from years ago. Planet Fitness has been remodeling their gyms this entire year.
Gym on kitty mode.
Mccall Gosselin, current affairs officer did an interview once and admitted all of this and more.. They are the McDonald's of the industry. They are not a gym. I hear people saying "oh you can get a workout anywhere"…. It depends on your goal.. if you are wanting to be average, sure work out there. If you are trying to progress Beyond the average gym goers, it's not for you ..I have never seen an impressive physique that was obtained while working out at PF.. If you are an athlete for any sport professional or amateur, bodybuilder, powerlifter, strongman or anything other than half serious about training, its not for you …
Omg the one I went to they were covering up for some idiot that would finger their asshole at me while I was in the shower and a dipshit that would watch me pee..
I am well aware which community I am in right now.
But keeping away "bodybuilders" and "strongmen" as well as loud grunters is, in my opinion a VERY good idea and very good for public health.
I do not want to train in the same room with those guys. I am well aware that they need to grund and scream to pump themselves up.
But it is distracting and honestly annoying.
I want to get my sets in… huff and puff like a maniac.. but then be done.
I already hate the guys that let the weights fall back down on machines… Like… bro. Learn proper technique. We are all in this together. Nobody cared that you can do 10 kilos more when grunting like a wild boar and causing an explosionlike sound every 10 seconds from the weights freefalling 50cm.
I like the split between 'casual' and 'experts'. You wouldnt let worldclass athletes train together with plebs in any other sport. So why lifting?
Even the pizza thing… while obviously profitable (because ppl stayed fatter for longer)… I think 1000kcal a week doesnt make a big difference in the long term (especially because you don't eat as much at home) for those dedicated to weightloss, but might actually motivate ppl to go to the gym by creating a more… casual friendly environment.
I am not saying they aren't looking out for their own pockets.
But I do think having casual gyms helps A LOT MORE than pretending that there is only one valid way to train.
If you're trying to be a serious power lifter or body builder then PF isn't for you. It's for beginners and people just trying to workout and stay in decent shape. You don't have to make fun of something because you're not the target audience for it.
Claims to be judgement-free… judges people with muscles…
I love planet fitness if you’re dedicated, you can get ripped at any gym don’t fall for the hype 😂 Sam Sulek does it too
I've been going to planet fitness for about a year. I've never seen pizza offered there even once and I've never heard the lunk alarm go off.
Planet Fitness want make gym fun for people who dont like gym, its miss entire purpose. I dont say everyone have to workout if you dont like it dont do it you can do other sport
this video sucked
Planet Fitness has its faults, but in my town it's the only clean gym that regularly fixes/replaces faulty equipment 😭😭😭
It surprised me to see history of planet fitness cause over in Australia it is great and actually very progress focused instead
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