Here’s 6+ reasons why Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition is a MUST PLAY JRPG on Nintendo Switch…
1:11 Spectacular, True Open World
4:22 Fun Mech Customization
6:40 Only Online Xeno Game
9:05 Combat is Excellent
10:31 Story Will Be Complete
11:17 Don’t Need to Play Other Xenoblade Games…
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Things to do
1, Farm Miranium (FOREVER)
2, Unlock Skells
3, Upgrade Candid to lv 5
4, Unlock Flight
5, Buy Mastema (50 for now, you can get other skells but Mastema is better for Ranged)
6, Buy Treasure Sense equipment (hence Candid, will be around 4 million)
7, Reach 406
8, Start a Puge genocide (objectives are Phoenix for now and a few G-Blades)
9, once you get a Phoenix that satisfy your needs, fly to the one of the eggs on the sky, more genocide and beyter drops, now, its Diskbombs Mag-6 (youll want at minimun 4 if the bug is fixed) they still drop Phoenix here by the way
A tip to respawn enemies, ground you skell, go out of it, menu to "Fast Travel to Skell", kill all again
Best!? Listen if it's your favorite that's great. But it is THE worst title in the xenoblade franchise. From a very meh plot and characters to stupid changes to progression via level lock outs and h2h being a mandatory part of progression.
Not to mention xcx was designed for the western audience in a more wrpg style vs a jrpg.
Again if you like it, awesome, but it's barely a jrpg and misses the mark on every single thing that a jepg should be because of the foolish design of thinking of what western gamers like.
Nintendo's only online multiplayer? Bro forgot Splatoon 2/3 and Smash Bros.
This might be a silly questions but you think they will complete the whole set and add Xenogears that was on PS1 to the Nintendo Switch?
Xeno Cross runs very smoothly on Wii U, has GORGEOUS views and graphics, the soundtrack is amazing just like any other Xenoblade game. The combat is fun… I'm very hyped for it!
OJ! The diss on FF7 Rebirth Day Night Cycle! It’s just too much! 🤣
I'm actually a little envious of the people who are going to play this amazing game for the first time.
We are lacking great mecha games, megaton is one, X will be another
Already pre ordered it. It'll be my very first time ever playing it. Even seeing it in person. I can't wait!!!
Gonna w8 for the switch 2, but this will be the first series I gonna buy and play.
I agree, X was absolutely fantastic. The only thing I'd disagree on is the idea of any sort of multiplayer coming to future titles. I don't want XB to suffer Fable's fate.
they gonna let us change the music per scenario or nahh?
The GOAT of open worlds.
My WiiU can finally retire now that X is coming to Switch
This game is unmatched.
I am very excited, but I highly doubt they will 'finish' the story. Best we can hope for is a little more closure. There's no content on either the Samarians or the Ghosts, 2 massive factions in the X worldbuilding, and an expansion of the 1st game is not enough to open and close all the unopened pages in the X lore. I think this is a temp check on 'X' and if it's a big success we might see a follow up way down the line 🙏
XCX's open world is my favorite open world of all time. So much to explore, tons of caves and items to find, good enemy diversity in both type and level, nowhere that is truly "safe," but you still have ways of moving forward, etc. And the movement that your character has makes exploring tons of fun. The high, floaty jump encourages parkour up rock surfaces and feels really rewarding when you manage to do it. And then of course you unlock skells and open up so much more of the world. Also, the Noctilum Day theme is SO good. I have a distinct memory from 2015 of making it to the large river by the Star Ciniculas for the first time and slowly running up toward the waterfall WAY off in the distance and being floored by how large that area was and hearing the voices singing "One by oooooone! One by one!" with the french horns in the background and thinking, "This right now is my favorite single player gaming experience ever."
I have it on the wii u. Im on the last chapter but i forgot what i am doing. I probably will finish it and then replay it on switch
In Japan the Switch has at least one other MMORPG. They got Dragon Quest X(10). For some reason Nintendo didn't port that game outside Japan.
i loved this game, had 800 hours, 100%'d the game, absolutely amazing game
Sorry I have the wiiu version amd I won't be double dipping but I am happy it finally came to the switch
I have fell in love with this series. X is the only one i havent played.
I hope this sells very well and we get an XCX:2!!!
Im still only on chapter 5 in the first game lol
After XC 2 I realized that what we need is a pokemon spinoff developed by Monolith.
For sure picking this up i love the maim trilogy and while i recently started x i will 100 percent stop my current play through to wait for this and play it on switch
I do hope they have a revision of the menu system for this. As it was an utter mess.
I tried it on the Wii u and hated it but that's because I came to it directly from Xenoblade Chronicles and I was expecting a deep story driven game and it's not that
O nooow is inportant, now it matters since the release of 3, all of you have been treating these game like nothing, like it never existed, but now you say otherwise.
I did 200 hours into this game, bat it loved it. For sure will not be playing again though. It was great and I am done with it. The hige open world and flying aroud in mechs was great
Still one of the kind JRPG despite 10 years later
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