Unrivaled Basketball Preparing HUGE LIONEL MESSI Like Contract Package for CAITLIN CLARK! WNBA | TNT Sports has large ownership in the league and broadcast rights. Messi went to Inter Miami CF in Major League Soccer.
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Larry, Is it TRUE that a EUROPEAN Team OFFERED CAITLIN CLARK $100 Million to Play for Them ?
Imagine comparing messi s 150 mill n co ownership to a 1 mill offer😂😂😂😂😂
There are a couple of YT videos where it's reported Clark is signing a deal to play in Europe. I wondered if this was true because I have not seen either Matrixx or Rhodes reporting on this.
There are a couple of YT vide
The jealous hateful racist thugs just looking for an opportunity to bully and injure CC so that she can’t play at all next season…let the wnba executives and owner idiots suffer some financial hardships until they get rid of their trash refs and deadbeats that don’t care about fair play….CC should do what makes sense to her financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically…..👍😎👌😉✌️
I’ll try watching to see what it’s like
If some of the WNBA players have part ownership in this new “league” … how did they manage that, seeing as how they’re supposed to all be, so under-appreciated and underpaid …? Where’d they get the money for their piece of the ownership pie?
Unrivaled is where WNBA players should go to retire. 🎉
She would have done for fun and love. After clear hate and assault, no apology or regret neither sorry came, so that no fun can be foreseen either.
Caitlyn Clark play basketball in Europe and in the offseason play golf ⛳️ here in the United States 🇺🇸 .
Why don't they throw this money at A'ja Wilson to get her to join?? lol
She needs to play golf.
Who's behind this proposed league? Who's going to run it? Will it really be basketball? It better be wayyyy different than the WNBA. And who will the sponsors be?
A Lionel Richie deal?
She is not going to do it ❤❤❤❤
They won't give her a Messi offer, lol. After they trashed her and her fans saying it's not worth having her a few weeks ago – she should tell them to kick rocks and do it on their own…reject their toxicity. She's under contract with the WNBA (so she's obligated to honor that legally binding contract), which she joined thinking it was a professional basketball league filled with women that would support her as a player. Most of her great fan base (minus the trolls) don't deserve to be scapegoats either. Highest possible salary after they just opted out of the CBA? Doubtful. It could just compound the rampant envy they already hold toward her, and spill over into the next season of the W. They didn't respect her value in the W, they need to do Unrivaled without her.
It's stunning that a shoe company can make a $30 million dollar deal. Why can't the WNBA market their players and their league in the same profitable way?
If CC scoffs and Unrivaled league crashes, CC’s value will actually soar — without her touching a basketball…
CC said noooooooooooo😂
1 mil sounds really low. She will make that first season blow up like crazy, if she does it!
Hopefully this offer will bring other opportunities to play where she is wanted.
I hope and pray you are right. The WNBA clearly doesn’t want her and that her health is at risk if she stays in the WNBA. Someone out there is smart enough to see CC’s value.
I said at the beginning of the season , that next year C.C. would go to Europe. I would like C.C. to play in this league , cause there might not be a WNBA. The owner would protect her better than what we have watched, and C.C. would help players make money. This will force WNBA too increase money to players. What I see is TNT is forcing WNBA to pay up, or fold. If WNBA folds , TNT will make another new league. Anything can happen, as NBA screwed TNT, we might see TNT get justice back on the NBA.
Hopefully not the same refs if she decides to play then it will be 6 on 3 league
Are they gonna do anything about the refs in the wnba
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