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DAYS GONE is reportedly receiving a remaster soon and it could be announced as soon as the rumored September 24th State of Play
Alongside a Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster, Sony is drawing much controversy from the gaming community large part due to their strategy of remastering titles that already run at 4K 60FPS on the PS5 system through backwards compatibility
Days Gone is a title that we really enjoyed but we really believe that these development efforts could have been spent elsewhere on more highly requested remasters from titles stuck on the PS3 and beyond.
no one asked for this..a sequel is what it needed..
If you love the game support it if the remastered does well they will bring us a part two
Days gone remaster director's cut "
Reprinted disc:
All updates, patches and 60 FPS INCLUDED on the disc's without having to connect online!
Playstation 5 offline plug and play "
Reprinted disc all updates, patches and DLC BURNING Shore included on the disc's without having to connect online!
No Skyrim LEGO…? WTF!!!
Update: There was no Days gone remastered on the state of play.
For clickbaiters who was saying Days gone remastered was going to be reveal on ps state of play i give you both my middle fingers.
If they have the guts to announce Days Gone Remastered without a Bloodborne Remastered at the end, I'm just going to switch to PC.
No more remaster.
I'm not even watching the state of play haven't watched them for ages coz there always such a letdown and all we get is remasters, TLOU part 2 remake was the biggest cash grab I've ever seen the game was visually perfect and needed nothing adding to it, so to do the same to DAYS GONE one of my fav games that now runs great on the PS5 instead of greenlighting the planned trilogy that we all want is just a slap in the face, I'm seriously gonna think twice about buying the PS6 when it comes out!!
I get the feeling you can't breathe through your nose at all
Sony must just bring back Sly Cooper😭😭
Days gone is great! Needs a sequal! Not a remaster
If they announce Remaster for Days Gone I would consider buying it only if there’s guarantee that they’ll release a sequel. Also if there’s new content to Remaster like new weapons, ability to customise Deacon, more customisation options for bike or the ability to use binoculars while on bike then sure. If it’s only graphics and performance then no, I’ll pass it.
I hope its Sony testing to see if gaming audiences want a DG2 then greenlighting it if the response is good.
Just make a new one even with new story and lead but stop this remastered game
Days gone don't need a remake unless they add gameplay stuff. Like hordes and nests returning the longer you leave them. Personally I'd love a difficulty level, and a survival element to the game.
Sony has gone down hill this gen so I don't expect anything but a cash grab. Ps5 gen has been so poor. Games like Spiderman 2 didn't excite me. Still haven't played. Ragnarok is a drag.
Days gone don't need a remake unless they add gameplay stuff. Like hordes and nests returning the longer you leave them. Personally I'd love a difficulty level, and a survival element to the game.
Sony has gone down hill this gen so I don't expect anything but a cash grab. Ps5 gen has been so poor. Games like Spiderman 2 didn't excite me. Still haven't played. Ragnarok is a drag.
It’s always cheaper to repaint a used car, puts some new tires on it, detail the inside and sell it than design, tool up a new factory and manufacture a new car!
Day gone remaster mine be a thing to see how well it does so they can decide if its enough for a dg2 i hope because idc im buying it .
Bow to Xbox
The book that you quoted from anti-fragile because poor people never take risk, while rich people always take risk. This is why wealthy people have money because they take risks.
I really enjoyed the game. I hope this is to drive interest before a second.
Sony doing terrible glad I play pc more now
Little Big Planet has left the chat
You'll be getting Bloodborne for the PS6 so you give us $600 and you're going to like it!! In the meantime, here, another PS4 game remastered so it looks a little bit better for the PS5, just give us $70 for it 😀 – Sony
The reason days gone had got low scores was because of the biased reviewing of decons characters' ethnicity; it was disgusting.
If they had looked past that, it would have gotten a higher mark.
They don't trust their developers. The just want results. Please don't buy the remastered version of those games. We need to shift the market ourselves.
you idiots instead of wanting days gone 2 or new bloodborn or new killzone you just want remaster of old games and sony sell you this games to you again and again
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