A video discussing the consistent problem present in almost every Souls game released by FromSoftware. Enjoy!
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Background Music: bits & hits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow1MlP_sIL0&t=1110s
0:00 Intro
0:38 Engine History & Benefits
1:55 The Performance Problem
2:06 Reason #1 – The Engine
3:26 Reason #2 – FromSoft’s Optimization
5:02 DS3 vs. Elden Ring Comparison
7:00 Will Anything Change?
7:37 Conclusion
#eldenring #bloodborne #darksouls #darksouls3 #sekiro #fromsoftware #major_trenton
They’re ugly,boring and the story is pants 😂
And yet….From Software is wildly successful and hasn't missed in well over a decade now. Maybe frames per second doesn't mean jackshit in the grand scheme of things
I think a massive show of this issue is bloodborne being made on this engine has made it so hard to emulate that only now are we truly starting to see emulation
The problem with souls games is that they’re just too damn good. Edit: After watching the video, I agree the base game needs to be optimized better. That being said, I personally prefer singleplayer in souls games. Sure it’s against TOS but modding fixed all these issues. I run a stable 100fps on high-max settings with an rtx 2080, and an i7-9700k. All I did was use an fps unlocked and some kind of mod that removes unnecessary visual features which don’t even affect visuals, and gives much better performance. If I want to play seemless coop, I can use multiplayer without getting banned. In fact it’s an even better experience for pvp than the base game even if you don’t have anyone else to play with. You can also get convergence, reforged, graceborne, or a million different mods that add new weapons, abilities, combat mechanics such as ducking or a better guard system for swords. The game is ridiculously good with mods, I had my first playthrough on ps5. A year later wanted to try the mods so I got it on pc, if I had to I would buy it again, and again, and again, I would’ve paid 1000$ for elden ring and I mean it. I say this as someone who has 10$ in their bank account, and who has been living off pop tarts and quesadillas for the past year because it’s all I can afford while I focus on college. Elden Ring is the best game ever made, even with issues.
For me it's the co-op, they really need to work on that connectivity issue.
I don't care about FPS and I am totally ok with how Bloodborne works on PS4, but the biggest complaint I have is the part of the formula that you always arrive late to the stage after some great events you never see having already taken place, then you play through your journey through a one of the more difficult games there are, only to get a few seconds long unsatisfactory ending as a reward. For example, if I decide to go fight my way through zombified Lordran, die 1000 times in the process and burn myself to ashes for it, I want to see that Lordran fluorishing again or the cycle being broken rather than.. you know what + credits roll. If I slay nightmares and make extra effort to discover and finish off the true antagonist, I want to see that sun shining over Yharnam. And so on, you get it.
They're too good… 🤔
fps drops when a boss uses a powerful attack is part of the charm !!!
I prefer 30 fps to 60 fps. Heh.
But Japanese devs just don't have this emphasis. You'd think they'd get better because they are so popular but… 🤷
after playing sekiro on ps5, the difference between elden ring is huge. at this point I can just play in ray tracing mode with similar fps to what I get anyways.
The only problem wirh soulsgames is that there is no improvement to perfection
Maybe throw some end of ER DLC spoiler warnings before dropping that bomb 😭
"problem" ? Weak
starting my elden rl1 after getting all achievements and still wanting more…
dark souls 3 is on sale now… but like i just started my rl1.
what do?
The performance issues are intentional features to make the games harder.
Miyazaki is truly a genius 😀
Gamers are the worst complaining about performance. Most animated movies are made at 24 fps. Some are made on 2s at 12 fps. No one is asking for a 60 fps movie. A powerful graphics card is not the only thing that matters. Most people’s TVs do not have a refresh rate that can render all the frames your GPU loads. It’s a bottleneck when making a game for a console release it has hardware limitations to consider.
"If you're here about the hitboxes or netcode your the third guy this week."
Good video so far but no spoiler warning and taking the last boss as an example from 100 other examples of poor optimization is evil 🥲
no, the fps dips are definitely tied to the hardware. Minus the bug with RTX when the dlc dropped (which still hasn't been fixed), I have a steady 60 fps in all areas with my current set up, while my old desktop would dip as low as 30 fps in some areas, despite running ds3 at an almost constant 60.
"could dip as low as 20 fps" Ah… so you've never witnessed the 15 fps horror that is Blight Town pre Remastered… EVEN ON PC… Which was fixed in Remastered… which is a major performance IMPROVEMENT… and yet you're trying to prove that the engine is somehow getting worse at it is enhanced. There is one actual issue with their engine that has been around since Demon's souls (and I'm only saying that as its the oldest game of theirs I've played) – the camera does not handle large encounters very well… it doesn't even pretend to. And yet they continuously insist on adding more of them, and not fixing the camera. Fire Giant is hands down the perfect example, pun partially intended. Play a melee build, get to phase 2, and see how long you can stay locked on to his hands… or even find them half the time without a giant thigh or some other part blocking your view with all the moving he does. But again, these guys are indie company, despite being published by bamco. They've been this successful since Dark Souls 1 world wide (and longer in Japan), with maybe 1/4th of the team of a AAA studio, and this is one of the only actual problems their games have. AND they made their own engine, minus the havok parts, and have stuck to it this entire time and have been this successful. Now… don't get me started on havok and why they should drop it… it's the reason for the stupid infinite falling glitches that keep popping up in ER, and weird crap like the dead bodies in DS2 spawning in T-Posing when you haven't sat at a bonfire in a while…. if they would just roll their own physics, and tweak some hitboxes (such as H2H so it can actually hit larger enemies when locked on), they'd have as close to perfection as you could get.
Listen .. once you play elden ring/shadow of the erdtree, everything afterwards just becomes stale and boring. These games are just insane. Dark souls 3 was pretty great too back in 2016
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