Game: https://www.compassgames.com/brotherhood-unity.html
Note: A copy of this game was provided to me for this review
Tomislav’s Pronunciation Video for Brotherhood & Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaLTgZBmwlo
FYI, the Vassal module is available now. Just released today.
very good review ….
Can factions ally with each other?
Thanks for the look, Moe!
Amazing game board
The game had my interest earlier on, but I'm not a big fan of Paths of Glory system, so at the end I gave it a pass.
Thank you Moe, for the review and for your kind words. I hope the game will give you a better understanding of the recent history of BiH. Have fun!
Here is a question. I'm guessing that's a separate Sarajevo map down in the bottom left? Do units scale down on that map or something and are there card events that just apply to that map specifically?
Best games of the year, Moe? I've watched a few stray videos from the cheap seats, but you definitely have my attention now. I'd better read/watch some more on this one.
And something to add when playing CDGs solo many people are familiar with Stuka Joe's solo CDG system but there is also another one that helps settle a problem found when using Stuka Joe's system (scoring cards like those used in Twilight Struggle and other CDG games that have to be played and not skipped over) is covered in callasmar's system:
The system is a little more stripped down and flexible and you can play the system against itself i.e. you let it decide all the player outcomes, just use it for the 'Bot' effect i.e. you use his system for everything except playing your own hand, etc. You get to make meaningful choices but not every decision you make materializes. The video does a way better job of showing off the system than me trying to describe it (-:
Thanks for this one man…I'm always looking for titles on this subject and I think this one may have to go on the want list.
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